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Tennessee River

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Tennessee River last won the day on May 2 2024

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  1. The change allowing 38SPL is good, but I would also stretch the shotgun requirements. Add ANY PUMP shotgun with wood & metal hardware and traditional sights. No plastics and no deer sights. There is nothing in the above that detracts from the spirit of WB nor gives anyone a competitive advantage.
  2. Imported by Cimarron, Chiappa makes a beautiful rifle. This 20” 1892 carbine is a close representative to the original (no safeties). This model AS632 has CCH finish, ladder rear sight, walnut furniture, saddle ring, and only used in 4 WB matches with 44 Mag cowboy loads. It feeds 44SPL too. I’m including StevesGunz Nate Kiowa Jones’ dvd and 44 metal follower. I performed what I judge to be a 50% action job per this DVD (I didn’t take all steps full course). It’s better than out of the box new. Includes original box and papers. $1200 plus shipping.
  3. Good idea, but nothing available there or at about seven milsurp houses I check online with regular frequency.
  4. I know this may be a long shot, but some of you have very diverse collections and spare parts. I am looking for the stock only from the M94 Swedish Carbine. This is the Mannlicher-style stock only on the carbines with 18" barrels. I have a pristine 6.5x55 Carl Gustafs barrel, bolt and receiver that my late grandfather put into a walnut Bishop stock for hunting some 60+ years ago. He didn't drill & tap the receiver for scope, so it would be ideal to return this to an original-style stock, even if not matching original serial numbers. I’ve asked this previously on the SASS Wire without success. I have also tried the more noteworthy milsurp supply houses, also no luck.
  5. Reach out to Boggus Deal (Travis Boggus) who is frequently on this forum.
  6. Not wanting to open a can of worms about springs - picking springs seems to be…a can of worms. Wolff lists recoil springs from 7# to 16#, then above that for “extra power”. Then there’s firing pin, trigger, etc, etc. What is a reliable starting point for shooting WB ammo consistently? For point of reference, I shoot a Tisas 5”, modern category, and not recoil sensitive.
  7. BD, I ordered and was quickly sent one of your custom firing pins with spring, but have not made the installation yet. I read the instructions you included, but wanted to ask you to clarify your recommendation (which you noted was optional) to leave out the breech bolt retaining lever. Is this approach widely used, and what improvement does it make to operation?
  8. I've been researching and reading a lot on this topic here and the SASS forums. It seems the rifle is the third (dare say least important) leg of the WB stages in local club, and a "good" '92 would be fine. I as well am considering searching for a 1892 in 44 Mag, probably a Browning B92. I don't like safeties, rebounding mechanisms and other lawyer stuff, and the Browning sounds like the best choice w/o. It know I will have two options to work through and test - either downloaded 44 mag cases or 44 specials. I reload, but not in 44 cal yet. I know 44-40 would be excellent for the 1892, but I prefer having options for use in other purposes other than WBAS.
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