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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Sgt Hochbauer

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Everything posted by Sgt Hochbauer

  1. I had a Taurus 1911 and it worked fine for me. But inherited a series 70 Colt. It also came with a .22 Colt conversion. That said the Taurus is now being enjoyed by someone else. Hochbauer
  2. I inherited a Colt series 70 that came with a Colt .22 conversion with 4 mags. The problem is that it does not go to slide lock with 3 of the 4 mags. I do not really see the difference between the mags. Any suggestions or information would be appreciated. TIA Hochbauer
  3. Thanks for the reply. I can turn those 255 gr bullets into 44-40 easy enough. I had inherited a large quantity of lead bullets and think there muct be some other choices to use. I have a good supply of TB. So not a biggie if I use that too. Hochbauer
  4. I have an ample amount of Bullseye. Also 255gr swc lead bullets. Anyone have a recipe that would care to share. I also have TB , Unique and Blue dot. Am open for suggestions. TIA Sgt Hochbauer
  5. I am thinking a call to Colt will take place and see if they can provide a solution. Thanks again for you info. Hochbauer
  6. Thanks for your reply. I have tried Aquilar,Winchester and CCI 2 different types. Unfortunately the party that left it to me is not around to ask if he had the same issue. Thanks Hochbauer
  7. As the title says I received a .22 conversion with the 1911. The gun shoots perfectly with the .45 slide. But with the conversion it does not go into slide lock. I have tried 4 different types of ammo. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. It is a Colt conversion slide and barrel. Hochbauer
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