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Marshal5 last won the day on December 25 2024

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  1. Reliable addition to the stock Winchester model 12. Happy with mine!
  2. It is obvious that Wild bunch is evolving as a shooting sport. I suspect we will never find the perfect target arrangement, target distance or stage design as we all have our likes and dislikes. I have shot several different matches with targets at Far distance and some matches where I might scrape my front sight on the target it is so close. This year EOT was a challenge but nothing wrong with that we all shot the same course of fire . Our biggest goal should always be safety. Some stages seem to test the shooters on not moving with the loaded firearm. I think that we need to examine those stage designs and make improvements to help the shooter. that being said designing the stages for anY match let alone EOT is a major chore and I truly appreciate those who take on the task.
  3. Wild bunch traditional, stainless 70 series Colt tuned by Boggus (great shooter and dependable) two other series 70 Colt, Gold cup and government models, Colt Ace two Les Baer, one Wilson Combat, one standard manufacturing 1911 WW I issue Colt government issued to my father in law and carried to the Pacific islands and China in WW II Ruger commander size First started with 1911 when 18 shooting with my father, carried a commander working UC for several years EDC Kahr 9
  4. Dan, When I got my model 12 it also had a 30 inch barrel. I got lucky and found a twenty two inch barrel with a rib on eBay for 125.00. If you want to keep the gun original search for an extra barrel you may get lucky.
  5. I am not one for creating an infinite numbers of shooting classes. Attend EOT or Land Run and see the vast number of awards but, it seems that there are more and more older shooters. I would like to see Senior class dropped to age 60 and an elder class at age 70. Keep the no make up rule on shotgun. The easiest target on a stage is the shotgun if you miss it is your loss.
  6. Interested to know how the match was. Any different than past years. I understand that there were five clean shooters which is the most ever. who were the winners in their respective categories? wonder how many new shooters and how many were shooting 38 rifles.
  7. I have used Tripp magazines with no problems for the past few years. Last year I won a Tripp magazine as a door prize at a Texas match. I sent an email to Tripp magazine thanking them for the donation. Received a very nice personal reply from the owner.will be happy to do business with them in the future.
  8. I was able to participate in the shoot. We all enjoyed the shoot that offers some some very fast stages with big targets and some stages with much smaller and distant targets. I was on posse two with CN Double and Gilly. Was fun to watch them as they each worked to best the time of the other. Good shooters and sportsmen. was a great weekend and we look forward to EOT
  9. I am told that February 2023 will be a busy month in the Phoenix area. The Super Bowl will take place mid February. There is also a major PGA tournament and of course spring training at the end of the month. I have heard from several people that these events have attracted a lot of visitors and of course the cost of lodging like everything else has increased.
  10. FYI. I have two Colt current production 70 series 1911 government, one stainless,one blued. in the stock configuration with a magazine a inserted both guns did not meet the weight requirement for wild bunch. I had to install a aluminum mainspring housing to reduce the weight of the gun to pass weight
  11. Bill Wilson of Wilson combat and builder of many fine 1911 has a you tube video on oiling of the 1911 guns. To many think that if a little is good then a lot of oil is better. the 1911 is a great design and with proper maintenance will be around another 110 years (unless politicians get in the way)
  12. Garrison Joe, with all respect we do allow some items in traditional class that are not on my original issue 1911 and they are done to assist the shooter experience. Granted they are limited but a leather pad on the magazine, a scooped grip for the mag release, beveled mag well and much better sights than the issue sights are all examples.
  13. I really enjoy the Wild Bunch shooting and I chose to shoot the traditional class. As my eyes (and the rest of my body) has aged seeing the front sight continues to be more of an issue each year. I would like to see a rule change to allow a white or gold dot on the front sight. Would help many of the shooters and our sport is aging so maybe some will be able to participate longer. It may not be the way the guns were issued but we do allow other changes that were not issue. just my thoughts and hopes for a constructive conversation. be safe
  14. As best as I can measure the grip on the ends is about 7 mm thick. The grip at the thickest point of the swell is about 9-10 mm thick. did not have a better device to measure it along with me. The configuration of the grip follows the same outline as other VZ grips that are accepted for WB shooting.
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