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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Jack Spade

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Jack Spade last won the day on November 15 2023

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  1. Try a flat mainspring housing instead of an arched one. This lowered my grip just a little and took out most of the bite.
  2. One of my shooting buddies shoots a Tisas and has had good luck with it. I polished stuff up for him and changed out some springs so it worked better for the wild bunch game and he has been pretty happy with it.
  3. I am with you Holler, and shoot with you, and will continue to use equipment that meets WBAS rules. I don't really feel like letting people use other equipment is much if any advantage but if the people who shoot at that club feel different then just add an open category where you can shoot anything. So you add the cost of a couple more ribbons, if it brings in more shooters that's a big plus.
  4. Thanks Boggus!
  5. After a search on here I didn't find this covered so I thought I would ask the question, how do you lube/grease your model 12 for running it in wild bunch? Is there a video showing the lubrication/grease points to make the gun run fast and smooth? I ask this because with a lot of guns there is a difference in how you lube/grease them for fast hard competition vs just casual shooting. I know I grease my wild bunch 1911's very different.
  6. I hadn't seen it posted here but the CMP opened up round 4 of the 1911 dispersal. They also changed the one in a lifetime ruling so if you received a pistol in round 1 or 2 you can now get a second one. All the information is here https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/1911-information/
  7. GJ am I correct in assuming with the increased weight I can load to lower fps to make power factor and should have reduced felt recoil?
  8. Question for JFN or anyone else who casts, I have this mold but when casting bullets with it I seem to get bullets that weigh 243-245 grains, not 230. To get them into the 230 range I have to add linotype at a ratio of 1 pound lino to 4 pounds lead. I have debated just shooting the heavier bullets as less fps is needed to meet power factor thus less recoil. I am powder coating these so no worries about leading. Thoughts?
  9. I beg to differ, I have been using clean shot in 45 colt for several years and have been nothing but happy with it. I haven't seen any indication of your comment that it changes it's mind with every shot.
  10. Another vote for E6000
  11. My self and my friend Tex Avvy will be there.
  12. Thanks, I was just curious what happened.
  13. Just curious if someone could explain the scoring error that was corrected after the match and awards were done.
  14. Shot the Wild Bunch match with the Big Bend Bushwhackers at the Tallahassee Rifle and Pistol Club in Tallahassee Florida. Managed to win the Traditional category and take Top Gun honors by .9 seconds over Colonel Kracken. Sassy Slitheryn was the ladies Top Gun. Colonel Kracken had the only clean match. I think we had 10 shooters and some great stages. The Auto Ordnance is in the shop so I shot my back up Springfield Milspec. Was a very fun match and a great tune up before the Ides of March Wild Bunch match.
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