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Deacon KC

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Deacon KC last won the day on February 6

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About Deacon KC

  • Birthday 09/03/1961

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  1. Got the email this morning that CMP is taking orders for the last expected batch of surplus 1911s.
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  2. +1 on the magazines, add MecGar to the list of good mags. KimPro magazines are very good, but the standard Kimber magazines are a crap shoot. I always swap out all the springs with a Wolff spring pack whenever I pick up a used 1911. Also, this is extremely rare, but there can be a burr on the barrel bushing, which can drag on the barrel. Look for a lengthwise scratch on the outside of your barrel if you suspect this, but it is one of the very last things to suspect.
  3. Maybe we could see a trial run of a category allowing guns introduced before 11/11/1918. This would allow many shooters to use Lugers, C96 Mausers, 1917 Colt and S&Ws and Tommy Guns. This would also spark a great deal of interest among our fellow CAS shooters. Crud, maybe even allow the .388 Super in a 1911!
  4. Since you are starting with the 1911, maybe look at a replica airsoft or pellet version of one in your basement until the weather is decent. At least get your hands familiar with the feel of the gun.
  5. If I didn't have a good one already, I would consider that one! Good luck.
  6. Check over at cascity.com they have a leatherworking section there.
  7. Okay, am I the only one who keeps a Wolff 1911 spring pack on hand for when I buy a used 1911?
  8. Soak it in Kroil for a couple of days, then try again using channel locks with a thick piece of leather to protect the finish.
  9. 1. A Tisas milspec or an Argentine with a colt slide that was fitted with target sights. 2. A S&W Scandium Performance Center Commander in .45ACP. 3. 6 here right now including a WW1 Colt 1911. 4. When I was a kid, probably 10 or 11 years old.
  10. That's the problem, it IS a dovetail cut! Driving us crazy. And I LOVE that gold front sight!
  11. Okay, a word of warning. Rock Island's front sight slot is slightly bigger than most. We have been trying to get one fitted on a customer's gun and most standard front sights will not anchor securely without serious peening! Great guns, but this has turned out to be a royal pain to deal with.
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