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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

denton Dancer

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denton Dancer last won the day on September 14 2024

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About denton Dancer

  • Birthday 08/12/1945

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  1. 1. My WB gun is Remington R11 / my wife’s is a Rick Island mil spec 2. have 6 in 45 acp - 2 Remington, 2 Kimber , 2 Rock Islands one Para Ord in 9mm 3. Kimber CDP is my main carry gun 4. introduced to 1911 in the Marines back in ‘63
  2. As I am one of the old folks shooting traditional the current two brackets are ok with me. I would not like being the only one in my category just to win by default.
  3. I agree that not every club has the capability to have DB/TR due to range limitations, Clubs that have WB matches need to indicate in their advertising if DB/TR are allowed in the main match.
  4. Oakwood plans to offer Wild Bunch in some fashion on Sunday of there cowboy matches.
  5. I have shot Land Run for at least the last 5 years. Last yea I shot the Wild Bunch and the round count was good. Was 4 th in senior trad. Avg 4 mags per stage was good. Some were 3 mags some 4 and a couple of 5. I thought that was good with the small targets you had.
  6. Count me out
  7. What is the anticipated 45acp round count for 2023
  8. My wife Calico Calie would also take the class
  9. I would be interesred arriving Ben Avery about Feb 17 (Part of the EOT Work Party)
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