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marshal stone

WBAS Territorial Governors
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marshal stone last won the day on January 11

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About marshal stone

  • Birthday 11/30/1950

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  1. This surprises you because?????? Marshal Stone
  2. It's a personal preference thing. Some like it in front, some in the back, some all on one belt, some use 2 belts. There is no one size fits all. Try some different things and see what works best for you. Marshal Stone
  3. Mine are; 1. Springfield Mil-Spec or a Colt Series 70 2. I think around 8. would have to check the safe to be sure. Have .22, 9mm, and 45 acp. 3. My EDC is a Ruger SR 1911 in commander length, Great gun and easy to conceal. 4. first fired on in the mid 80's. Only had my Grandfathers 45acp. Didn't really get into 1911's until Wild Bunch. Happy Thanksgiving Marshal Stone
  4. 230 gr. Desperado Cowboy bullets with either: 3.6 gr. Clays 4.3 gr. VV N320 4.1 gr. WST 4.8 Unique 5.1 HP 38 Any of these will work. A Chrono is your best friend. I also use Federal Large pistol magnum primers. Marshal Stone
  5. WB RO instructors and CRO's will be included in TG meetings just like what is done on the CAS side of the house. Marshal Stone
  6. Will let everyone know when I know. When the meeting is set a notice, and link should be sent to all WB TGs by the SASS office. Marshal Stone
  7. There will be a WB TG and Instructor meeting at Land Run. Let your TG or instructor know the things you think we should be talking about. Marshal Stone WB ROC member
  8. A 150 PF in .38's isn't a problem using 158 gr. bullets I did some testing recently and had the following results with FACTORY .38 special 158 gr. COWBOY AMMO. Grizzly just made it with a 151 PF, HSM made a 158 PF, Winchester made 168 PF All shot at indoor range with my 20" rifle The Winchester is the ammo that is provided to the club for the annual youth day. Kids from 8-18 shoot this out of revolvers and rifles, without issue. What's the problem with a 150 power factor for both pistol and rifle. Shoot .38's if you must but make 150 PF. Just don't make excuses!!! Marshal Stone WB TG Alaska 49ers
  9. Have WBTG's been elected at all WB clubs? What about the WBROC? Which (to my knowledge) has not been appointed. Can't even begin to discuss effectively any thought of making changes until both are completed. Marshal Stone
  10. They were. Were given out from the original 7 member WBROC. Marshal Stone
  11. WB instructors have had a pin for years. Instructors have a Silver 1911 pin verses a gold pin for RO's Marshal Stone
  12. One who has a "black pin" is an RO instructor for "cowboy" only. WB RO instructors have a different pin. Marshal Stone
  13. I did some testing with factory .38 HSM and Winchester cowboy action loads. (158 gr. bullet) I did the test with the rifle flat and tipping it up to about 170 degrees between shots. Rifle used was a Uberti 357 with a 20-inch barrel. Testing was done in an indoor range use a Lab Radar chrono. Temp was about 65. We are about 400 ft. above sea level. HSM flat gave a power factor of 157.1 Tipping up gave a power factor of 158.8. Winchester flat gave a power factor of 167.6. Tipping up gave a power factor of 169.8. So, as you can see 150 PF is easily attainable. Just need the minimum bullet weight for 38/357 to be 158. WB ROC and TG's need to consider this. Marshal Stone
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