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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Lady Jane

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Everything posted by Lady Jane

  1. The Alien Invitational is coming up! Our match will be unique. It will combine both the Wild Bunch and Cowboy matches on the same posse. If you shoot both, you'll be shooting a total of 20 stages. You'll shoot twice each stage, once shooting Wild Bunch and once shooting Cowboy. Both matches require an entry fee. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!
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  2. I am very saddened by this. Total time is for people who just don’t want to take the time to learn how and why stage point scoring is better.
  3. Stage points for sure!
  4. I just can't wait to actually shoot it! I haven't even seen it yet...
  5. I have a custom, Modern legal 1911 from Chuck and I love it! And now I'm patiently waiting for a Traditional 1911 that Boggus is building for me. I can assure you, you won't be disappointed with one of their guns!
  6. I like a man who does things instead of just talking about them! I can't wait to see you in action!
  7. Well, that's not too descriptive. Suppose you meant "choke". But, a feed ramp failure is often a magazine problem. Put a good mag in it and try again. Tripp, McCormick, Colt are some of the best. Wilson would be if they'd make a no-base-bumper model again. Feed ramps do work better nicely smoothed and polished and aligned so the barrel lip does not stick out over the top of the ramp.... Sounds like your pard's gun needs a light action job, not necessarily a different slug. Tell him he really ought to WANT his 1911 to feed most ammo, because that is TRUE. If the slug you are using has a wide meplat (the flat tip at the front), 1911's hate trying to shove that up a feed ramp, even if it is well tuned. A truncated cone design feeds much better. Or a conventional round nose (which can be considered to be a "very small meplat"). Good luck, GJ http://shopwilsoncombat.com/mobile/1911-Service-Mag-Plus-45-ACP-Full-Size-7-Round-Stainless/productinfo/608/ Uh, Joe, you mean like these Wilson magazines?
  8. You won't be disappointed! Chuck made my competition 1911 for me and I absolutely love it!
  9. It was a pleasure shooting with you, too! We had a great posse and had a fun match!
  10. It was a wonderful match and I can't wait to shoot it next year!!
  11. That video made my day! Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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