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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Coyote Kincaid

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  1. Shell Stuffer is fast! I've gotten the chance to shoot with him for the past few years. He's so smooth that he looks slow.
  2. Yeah I think we will have 7 as well for a match Friday.
  3. Yeah I've been watching that myself. If they get their way we will 20 categories and have a minor and major power factor with each one. IDPA anyone?
  4. My thoughts exactly. Why are we changing things in the "hopes" of attracting new shooters. They will just find another reason to not shoot WB. What's next? 38's? 9mm?
  5. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! In all seriousness though something is definitely​ wrong. I used to be able to stack holes on targets. I'm running a 200gr SWC over 4.4gr WST, I know that's low and I'm running a risk of not making PF. I should bump it up to 4.6 gr. At the last match my ammo ran thru the Chrono at 937 fps. I thought the Chrono was broke. Now Shell Stuffer and Don Jorge were there as well and they said theirs was about right on. Now I did get a new progressive press so there's a possibility the powder measure started throwing more. I haven't had a chance to pull some bullets yet to double check the powder. We all agreed that 4.4 couldn't hit 937. I'm shooting quality bullets from Badman Bullets. I haven't even had time to tear the gun down yet to see if there's​ any internal problems. I planned on doing it this past weekend but mother nature decided to put an F1 tornado down on the backside of our property and ride the property line. Fortunately no damage for us but a lot of trees down and the neighbors lost a metal building. But yes, I want a new gun.
  6. BD is working there now? Hmmmm interesting.
  7. This is my third year of shooting WB and I'm contemplating some new toys after this last match. My SR1911 is starting to lose accuracy and I'm thinking about sending it off for a new barrel or just getting a whole new gun. I'm also thinking about a 73 in 45acp. I love my Marlin but it's getting old losing half of my Colt brass. Both of my model 12's that have never had an ounce of a problem started to jam on me and chucking the live round out. I had to switch to a 97 that has given me problems in the past. The 97 ran great on the last two stages. So I'm thinking Chuck Warner over at Elite Warrior Armament for whichever route I take on the 1911. Not sure on what that will cost yet. Not sure on where to turn to for a 45acp rifle. I wouldn't​ mind a Marlin in 45acp if possible. I'm hearing that Goatneck works on Model 12's. I'm just throwing things out there looking for opinions as well.
  8. Slowly getting there. Got a 3.52 Saturday after some practice. I've got to get into the habit of reaching for the slide release after the last shot.
  9. Appreciate it. I've got some work to do now.
  10. So I was doing some practicing this morning and was looking at my split times for a mag change. What is usually a good split time shooting Modern with both hands on the gun after the slide locks back? I know I need improvement in this area because I was consistently hitting 3.96-4.06 to drop and change mag, drop the slide and then next shot..
  11. Hey Garrison Joe, how about a couple pictures of those awards? Interested minds want to see them.
  12. Where was the match at?
  13. Yeah I remember something like that as well. The case would not be as thick and it would start splitting the mouth. I think I will stick with my 24's and spend the money on another 1911 and a model 12.
  14. I'm shooting a Marlin with a 24" barrel in 45 Colt right now. I have an opportunity to purchase a Marlin with a 16" barrel that has been converted to 45 cowboy special. Now my mind is racing with questions. First, would/does a shorter barrel equate to faster target transitions? Second question would be power factor but I know those running the 73's converted to 45 acp have to be making it so 45CS should. The thing that bothers me is the brass, it's expensive. I could cut 45 colt brass down. It wouldn't bother me but I hardly ever get most of my brass back from stages. One of the downfalls of owning a Marlin. It's not like I can go buy 1000 once fired for $60, these run $350 for 1000. I'm just trying to get some insight because this gun will be used for WB only if I decide this. Heck, it might be cheaper to convert a Marlin to 45 acp.
  15. He's from Illinois if I remember correctly. Nice guy and super fast. I looked for him here and on the Wire and even Facebook but I guess he doesn't get on the internet.
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