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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Sedalia Dave

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Sedalia Dave last won the day on August 4 2023

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  1. Would also be interesting to know how many first time or nearly first time WB shooters there were in attendance. And how many of the SDQs were earned by first time or nearly first time WB shooters. No matter how many SASS matches a person has under their belt it doesn't really prepare a shooter for full on WB. Neither does shooting a SASS match with a 1911 as those matches are usually lacking in the action department. I am always amazed at how many first time or nearly first time SASS shooters attend state and above matches. I get this is an entertainment business but I sure hope WB doesn't get dumbed down to the point where it is SASS with a 1911 because of how EOT unfolded..
  2. Best advice I was given is to have mags that work every time without fail. Second was to use a loaded round gage and check every round you will use in a match. Any round that doesn't drop fully into the gage goes into the practice bin. Also check that the primers are fully seated.
  3. Too far will not keep me from returning to a match. Neither will targets that are small, cut into odd shapes or that are too big. What will keep me away are targets set too close. I've seen targets set 6 feet from the firing line. I don't care how the steel is angled, targets at that distance are TOO darn close and If I'm aware that they are that close I'm not showing up. Target sequences shouldn't be so complicated that they are P-traps, That said Variety is a good thing.
  4. I shoot one when I'm somewhere where WB is offered. Because I shoot one in CAS, I find it easier to use as muscle memory works in my favor. Currently using an unmodified NORINCO 87 that easily loads 6. The new CImarrons can easily be modified to hold 6.
  5. Set and enforce a minimum target distance. Some clubs have targets at 3 to 4 feet from the muzzle. That's way too close no matter how the steel is set for WB loads. Stages should be a variety of distances, target arrangements, shooting order. Keep the movement. Stay out of the 10, 10, 4 rut that has become SASS. Encourage stages that only use two guns vice three, stages with a SG or Rifle reload. Clean WB stages shouldn't be the norm Minimum PF for rifle rounds. (125) Allow Lugers, Broomhandles, 1917s etc.
  6. Closest Monthly WB match for me is the Oakwood Outlaws which are about a 2.5 hour drive. I don't get to shoot it as it's held on Mondays and I still have a Day job. When I retire in a couple years I intend to attend it several times a year. They also offer Dough Boy, Teddy Roosevelt, BAMM, and GAMM As a rule I will shoot WB when offered at multi day matches when offered. Haven't been to a match that offers BAMM, GAMM as a side match. For WB I still shoot my 44WCF. Since making the 87 legal I switch from a 97 to it.
  7. I'll take them PM to follow
  8. My personal experience has shown that increasing the penalty for a miss is an easy way to emphasize speed and accuracy. I MD a monthly Cody Dixon match. As a group we like to emphasize speed and accuracy so we typically shoot the SASS rifle targets as our pistol targets. The CD rifle targets range in distance from 40 to 125 yards. As the yardage increases so does the target size. To get more participation we decided to allow Handi Rifles without ejectors in the single shot category as a more affordable alternative to more traditional single shot rifles. It soon became apparent that a decent shooter could outrun a miss or two because reloads with a Handi-Rifle are significantly faster than all other single shots. I didn't want to go back to disallowing Handi Rifles so I proposed to the group that we increase the miss penalty from 5 to 10 seconds. Everyone agreed so the next match was scored with 10 second misses. It was immediately obvious that the playing field was back to more equal footing. Everyone still has fun and to my knowledge the time increase has not resulted in anyone voting with their feet.
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