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Nickel City Dude

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Nickel City Dude last won the day on February 9 2023

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About Nickel City Dude

  • Birthday 03/21/1950

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  1. Get the Chinese to loan you one of there lighter than air balloons and attache it to the front sight. Get paid by brandon and claim it is all Trumps fault.
  2. I have never seen one set up at a Cowboy match. I suspect that the space, time and personal necessary to do this makes it unproductive and just a plain old PITA.
  3. I got me a Campaign hat. Does the job and is period correct.
  4. Found one, I am all set.
  5. Where is a good place to buy a Campaign hat that won't break the bank? (Size 7 1/4)
  6. From what you have posted it sounds like my 1911 would be good for either category. BTW it is a Rock Island 1911. Thanks for the help.
  7. GJ Thanks for the reply. I am new to 1911 guns and was not sure about the gun that I have as it has a dove tail for the rear sight and is drift adjustable. The rule book mentions dove tailed front sights but nothing about a dove tail rear sight. Thanks for clearing that up for me. NCD
  8. I looked at the rule book and did a search here but could not find a definitive answer. Is a 1911 with a dove tailed rear sight only allowed in the modern category or is it also acceptable for Traditional?
  9. GWW Thanks for the reply. This is what I thought. NCD
  10. I have been looking at a new 1911 that has an "arched grip". I looked at the rule book and I think that this applies "•Flat, wedge or arched mainspring housing allowed. Mainspring housing may be serrated or checkered". Am I correct in my assumption that they are both referring to the "arched grip" on the 1911 that I am looking at and this type of grip is legal for WB?
  11. I have gotten everything except for a mag pouch for my belt. Still looking.
  12. Thanks I will try to find a way to contact him.
  13. Does anyone make a lever carbine in 45 acp or is there a gunsmith that can rework one to use 45 acp?
  14. I need some leather for getting into WB. Holster and mag pouches. Also looking for an 1894 Marlin in 44 mag or 45 lc. MP me with what you have and price. Scammers need not apply!!
  15. I have 1130 pieces of 45acp brass for sale. It is several times fired. I sold all my 45s in favor of moving to 9mm and now I have a bunch of brass for sale. $110 + $15 priority shipping to the 48 which is about half of what new brass costs. They have all been wet tumbled and shined and are ready to be reloaded. Large pistol primer.
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