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Not sure, where do you live ???  You might check with Boggus Deal here on the wire.  Pecos Clyde was working part time for Johnny Meadows before Johnny moved and Clyde was doing some Model 12 work. Idaho Six Gun Sam's husband Mark is an awesome 12 smith but I don't think he does work for the general public, just a couple of close friends.

I have had serious repair work (including timing resetting, locking recess recutting) done by NuLine Guns in Missouri.  They are also a GREAT source of new old stock M12 parts, since they bought a lot of Winchester parts stock decades ago.




You are a few years too late to have either Herb Orre or Stu Wright, both of whom worked in Pinckneyville, IL, work on your 12.  I had Stu sleeve a badly bulged M12 chamber coming from a previous owner getting carried away with high pressure loads.  Those two were Model 12 geniuses.


But there is a younger guy now at Mann's Gunshop that I have heard does lots of Winchester shotgun work, by the name of Justin. 618-357-2911


If you just want your M12 slicked up, there are several SASS/WB gunsmiths who can do that.  See other folks' posts.


good luck, GJ

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