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Back 40, I think just a generic 12 ga. Mag tube spring and cut to length But if the cat daddy is wanted they have stainless steel at Nu-line guns for 14.95 stock number NLG-16212ss I don't need one but I think I will order a couple........

The usual Wild Bodie Tom spring and follower to allow 6 shots in the tube is made for the Win 97 (specifically, the IAC imports need it the most). 


If you need one for the 97, see

Uniquetek - http://www.uniquetek.com/product/T1413


But Tom also now makes a spring and weighted follower for the Mod 12 -

Uniquetek - http://www.uniquetek.com/product/T1528


And, yep, Nu-Line has lots of Model 12 parts and even does service work on them.


But, if all you need is a new mag spring, the Rem 870 mag spring works fine and is easy to find.  Shorten to hang 4 inches of the uncompressed spring out of the end of the mag tube when no end cap on the tube.


(Then take that M12 and go shoot a few Southern Illinois hickory-fed fox squirrels for me, will ya?  Yummm, chicken-fried)


Good luck, GJ



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