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Good morning everyone! 

The 2025 Version of the WBAS Shooters Handbook is now posted on the SASS Website. In collaboration with the WB ROC, we have made great strides in this version of the handbook. We realize there is still a significant amount of redundancy within the document, and will begin working on a restructuring in the future to eliminate any redundant information. 

Shooters Handbook

Please also find attached the 2025 WBAS TG Agenda Discussion items. (I've also copied the content below in case folks have trouble downloading the pdf!) 

I look forward to working together to continue to grow the sport of WBAS in 2025!

Misty Moonshine

SASS - WBAS Territorial Governors - Agenda Items  2025
Below are the annual agenda items for TG discussion. Please utilize these discussion items for the 
organization of TG meetings throughout the year. Submit your meeting minutes appropriately to 
ensure all viewpoints are registered with SASS.
TGs: Utilize these discussion items to engage your clubs and SASS members on important topics, 
readying your ability to vote appropriately when warranted.

1. Target distance, size, and round counts for WBAS
WBAS is not and should not be presented as CAS with a 1911. Target distance and size remains at the 
Match Directors discretion, with recommendations in the SHB. A minimum recommended round count 
average of 28 rounds per stage has been added to the 2025 WBAS SHB. Round count considerations 
should be fluid with the economy and environment, but not at the cost of the experience of the 
2. Vertical staging of firearms
Vertical staging is not restricted by SASS. A clarifying edit has been made to the 2025 WBAS SHB to 
clear up the staging verbiage that states "laid flat".
3. Round left on the carrier
This penalty in the 2024 WBAS SHB was a carry over due tot he allowance of "CAS Legal" firearms. 
Further evaluation of the penalty/rule was conducted and the penalty has now been removed in WBAS, 
mirroring the parameters pre-2024.
Discussion Items
*Note: Not all items for discussion are voting items. Some items are presented for discussion on 
business practices and sanctioning fulfillment to better identify the wishes of our competitors.

1. Power Factor
Lengthy discussions about (re)establishing a Power Factor for the rifle in WBAS have been held. 
Many opinions exist for/against, with varying viewpoints and considerations.
Examine the WHY for proponents of establishing a minimum PF in WBAS & evaluate.
2. Shooting Categories & growth
Discussion of the addition of a Classic category - i.e.; Classic Modern & Classic Traditional - 
with PF minimums as well as other criteria to pay homage to "Classic WBAS" for those enthusiasts 
within the organization.
Discussion on examining the breakout age for the Senior category. It currently differs from WBAS' 
sister sport of CAS at 65 instead of 60. Do we consider reducing the Senior category to 60, but 
with the understanding that any future age breakouts in WBAS occur at the 10 year mark instead of 
the 5 year mark?
3. Allowing Shotgun makeups
Discuss adjusting the rules in WBAS to allow shotgun makeups - at the Match Directors discretion.
4. Awards and recognition
SASS is open to feedback on the current awards provided for sanctioned matches. Thoughts on moving 
away from SASS providing conchos for category winners and moving to providing
Overall Man/Lady - leaving the category awards to the Match/Event director?

WBAS TG Agenda - 2025.pdf


Maybe we could see a trial run of a category allowing guns introduced before 11/11/1918. This would allow many shooters to use Lugers, C96 Mausers, 1917 Colt and S&Ws and Tommy Guns. This would also spark a great deal of interest among our fellow CAS shooters. Crud, maybe even allow the .388 Super in a 1911!


Thanks for the update.

All I know is I love this sport and love WBAS so I will show up every chance I can and shoot whatever the match directors say. 

I do like that the distance is being talked about and recommended to be not as close as CAS.


While reading through the new Wild Bunch Shooter's Handbook, Version 17.5, Dated January 2025,  I noticed on page 28, Stage Disqualification Penalty, statement line #5 "Any discharge that hits the ground or non-expendable prop 5 to 10 feet from the shooter." Is the same Match Disqualification statement on page 29, line item #9. Just curious as to which one is correct.


Howdy Pards:

Just did a "word for word" on the 2024 SHB to the 2025 SHB.

Here's the changes I've found.

If you find others, please let me know.

Page 6

Modern Category:

May use any SASS legal main match shotgun and any legal main match rifle, .38 caliber or greater.


Traditional Category:

May use any SASS legal main match shotgun and any legal main match rifle, .38 caliber or greater.

Teddy Rosevelt Category:

It is recommended that the rifle targets for Teddy Roosevelt be set at 25 to 50 75 yards.


Page 7

Doughboy Category:

The rifle must be an original caliber bolt action rifle issued by any country to its military forces through the end of WWII. It must be as issued with original iron battle sights and no external modifications. Original scoped rifles are not allowed.


Minimum Entrant Category Requirements:

*Shooting categories offered at any match, including Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy as Main match categories, are ultimately at the discretion of the Match Officials to ensure the success and viability of each match individually unless the individual contract indicates otherwise.


Page 10

Range Operations and Safety Rules:

Add/Change Bullet points 7, 8, 9: 

-            All staged long guns shall have their barrels pointed safely down range, unless the stage scenario and provided prop calls for vertical staging of the long gun(s). (Vertical staging is not restricted by SASS).

-            All long guns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface shall be staged lying flat where at least the rear of the trigger guard is on the staging area.

-            All handguns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface must be staged with the entire handgun lying flat on the staging surface.


Page 14

1911 Pistol – Range Operations

1911 Safety and Handling

First bullet point:

Magazines may be loaded with up to seven rounds at any time, unless limited by stage instructions.


Third bullet point:

After being first charged, the shooter may move with the 1911 as long as the chamber is empty of a live round. The slide may be forward or locked back. It may have no magazine or an empty or loaded magazine.


Page 18

Shotgun Gauges:

Slide action shotguns must be centerfire of at least 16  20 gauge and no larger than 12 gauge.


Page 19

Safe Conditions During a Course of Fire – Shotguns:

A shotgun is considered SAFE to leave the shooter’s hands…

Add Bullet Point 4:

Action open.


Page 22


Safety and Handling Conventions:

All Firearms:

Replace 12th bullet point with:

There is no penalty for an empty case/hull in a gun that is open or that the shooter has cycled. If a proper attempt has been made to cycle the gun, it will be cocked.


Page 23

Bullet Point 1:

Change to read:
“Long guns will have their actions cycled at the conclusion of each shooting string. If the action of a long gun closes after being cycled, then the competitor will, at the conclusion of the stage, show it to the TO. Appropriate penalties will apply if it is not empty of live ammunition/unfired rounds.”


Page 26

Change to read:

Targets are set at close to medium range. While there are no absolute rules, the following are distance recommendations by firearm, if using a target size of approximately 12"-16" in diameter: Pistol targets: 7 to 12 15 yards. 

Shotgun targets: 8 to 15 16 yards.

Rifle targets: 15 13 to 25 50 yards.



SASS recommends the round count for the pistol (per stage) is a minimum of 28 rounds.



Page 33

Ammunition Covenants:

Power Factor for the 1911 Pistol:

Change to read:

The minimum bullet weight for the 1911 pistol is .45 ACP and the minimum power factor of 150. The maximum velocity standard for the 1911 Pistol is 1000 fps.


Pocket RO Card

Remove first entry for MSV “empty or live round……”



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