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Where does the gunbelt buckle go?


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Just getting started in WB.  I ordered my 1911 but it hasn't come yet.  Anyway, I've been wondering about the leather configuration.  From looking at photos, I see many people have (for R handed shooter - R to L):  Holster, 4 to 6 round shotshell holder, 4 to 5 round extra rifle round holder, 4 to 5 mag holders.  But I can't tell where their gunbelt's buckle is.  Is it in front and various ammo holders are snapped over the top of the buckle, or is the buckle spun around to the back?




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My take on your plans so far -

Buy a belt suitable for your holster with NO loops sewn into the belt.  Then you can experiment with buckling in front, or buckle spun to the back.

A cartridge holder for at least 2 rifle reloads and at MOST 4 shotgun shells works just fine, because you can almost always start with 6 shotshells in your gun (unless you plan to shoot a side-by-side, then I'd suggest you immediately get a shotgun belt holding 10 shells (paired together) as well as the gun belt).

And you might as well get 3 paired 1911 mag holders, total of 6 mags.  Lots of matches shoot more than 28 pistol rounds on a stage, and you need a spare mag in case of fumble, misfeed, jam, etc.  All your magazines then will come to hand the same way (height, angle).

Some folks like wearing huge award buckles on their belt, and they are almost always in the back, for the AUDIENCE to see.  And when worn in front they take over valuable "belly space" that is better used by ammo of some kind!

Get a stout belt made for holster carry. Light belts will move around, break, sag, and holsters and holders need to stay put, too.  Best results usually come from using same maker for belt and holsters and holders.

good luck, garrisonjoe



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I know who two of those shooters are just by their midsection shots! 

I wear a buscadero holster for cowboy so I also went with one for WB. I have long arms and no waist so it puts the grip a little lower for me.  I carry 6 mags and a small slide with two rifle reloads and two shotshells.  If I need more than 8 shotgun I can always stage them. 


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My personal preference is only one gun belt. Im a bigger guy, so my waist can accommodate more things. I'm left handed and wear the buckle on the back of my left hip, out of the way of the pistol holster.

I carry: 2 rifle reloads, minimum of 6 magazine pouches (4 mags for the stage, 2 Barneys)and 6 shotgun (just in case I forget to load the shotgun...). I use pouches with snaps on them, so I can add and subtract mag pouches as needed for various stages.

People with smaller figures, usually need 2 belts but there's also a lot of people that just use the same shotgun belt they use in cowboy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As stated above, if you buckle in the rear, it leaves the front open for business; mag pouches/shotshells/rifle reloads...some more robust gentlemen or ladies may not require utilizing all the available real estate, and choose to do otherwise.  But, my 32 inch waist (34 after Thanksgiving dinner) is hard pressed to find a location for these necessities, otherwise.




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