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It was a great match, and I'm happy to announce there was a scoring correction made that put Gillyboy up front by 3+ seconds. Gilly and I have a solid friendly rivalry, and I'm thrilled to announce the correction. I only wish he could have received the honors at the awards ceremony yesterday.

To be clear, Gillyboy is the 2023 AZ modern/state/overall champion. Congrats, Gillyboy!

Link to updated scores: https://ccsa-az.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023-AZ-WB-Overall.pdf

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I was able to participate in the shoot. We all enjoyed the shoot that offers some some very fast stages with big targets and some stages with much smaller and distant targets. 
I was on posse two with CN Double and Gilly. Was fun to watch them as they each worked to best the time of the other. Good shooters and sportsmen.

was a great weekend and we look forward to EOT



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