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This is a 2006 manufactured reproduction of the WWI Colt 1911, 45acp. Finish is what Colt calls carbonia blue. I purchased this used as a back up 1911 for shooting Wild Bunch but as little as I shoot WB I really don't need a back up. I have never shot this Colt but I cannot say if the previous owner did although it looks doubtful. Very low round count, maybe. This does not come with the blue presentation box and only came with one 7 round mag so that's how I am selling it. The gun is beautiful and the pictures really don't do it justice. Serial number suffix is WMK and number indicates it is NOT in the range for which Colt issued a recall. I can send more pictures if interested. $1800.00 plus shipping. I'd prefer a FTF in Kansas (resident) sale otherwise my FFL to your FFL.


The sights on this are typical of the early 1911, small. I shoot Traditional WB and have not had a problem with picking up these sights on my main match 1911 (identical gun to this one). The fit and finish on this Colt is superb.





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