Registration Terms
SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting Wire Forum – User Terms & Guidelines
The SASS Wild Bunch Wire Forum is an official forum of The Single Action Shooting Society® (SASS®) and the sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting™. The Wire is a series of forums established to provide a sense of community and an opportunity for communication and the exchange of ideas for all SASS members and members of the public worldwide who are interested in SASS and the sport of Wild Bunch Action Shooting.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed on the SASS forums do not in any way reflect the opinions of The Single Action Shooting Society, its owners, agents, directors, volunteers, or employees. The SASS Wild Bunch Wire Forum is a solely owned entity of the Single Action Shooting Society® and is controlled and directed by SASS. SASS is under no obligation to provide access to these forums to anyone and further reserves the right to refuse access to anyone at any time.
Conduct: Community forums are at their best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you conduct yourself in a civilized manner when participating in the SASS forums. You can help us make the forums a welcoming community by respecting the Rules of Conduct and encouraging others to do the same.
General Rules of Conduct: The guidelines and rules contained here explain what behavior is expected of all users. The guidelines are not exhaustive, and may not address all manner of offensive behavior. As such, the forum moderators have full discretion to address any behavior they may deem inappropriate. User access to all SASS forums is a privilege- not a right, and is not connected to a benefit of membership in SASS. SASS reserves the right to suspend access to any user at any time for reasons that include, but are not limited to, a user’s failure to adhere to the provided guidelines.
Abuse on the Forums will not be tolerated.
• Offensive language, personal insults, including all racial, ethnic, or sexual slurs, as well as personal attacks, including name-calling and insults directed at SASS or other members is prohibited. No flaming, harassing, or attacking of any kind is ever allowed. “Flaming” is considered attacking another user or users in a vulgar, harsh or with the use of personal attacks. Personal attacks are not tolerated. (Ie: “You are stupid, stop being a &^^$%^”)
• Personal attacks on members, cyber bullying, libel comments or bashing/slandering of businesses, organizations, individuals or corporations will not be tolerated. Threads deemed to be an attempt to “stir the fire” or are looking for support on their attack will be removed without warning. If you have an issue with a particular organization, business, or corporation, please contact them directly. If you have an issue with a member, please contact a moderator or administrator.
• Any attacks against SASS, the forum moderators, or any employee of The Single Action Shooting Society® will not be allowed. If you disagree with an action taken by a moderator, please contact the SASS Office.
Content Guidelines
• Controversial, religious, or political threads that are deemed inappropriate or needlessly provocative will be removed without warning.
• Images cannot contain sexual or violent content and must not violate any copyright laws. Any image deemed inappropriate will be deleted, including avatars and profile pictures.
• When posting articles or news stories, only the URL to the article, the title of the article, and the source should be posted. Due to copyright laws, you are not allowed to copy and paste the content of the story into our forums, unless appropriately cited.
• The SASS Wild Bunch Wire Forum is for Non-Commercial postings only. Commercial posts, pile on infomercials, or links from merchants or dealers are not allowed and will be deleted without notice. Commercial promotion is available through SASS’ Affiliated Merchant Program and through SASS advertising opportunities. Please contact SASS Headquarters for more information on these programs.
• Inappropriate or offensive content and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. To assist in defining inappropriate content, ask yourself the following questions when making a post:
- Is this message SASS or Wild Bunch Action Shooting related?
- Is this message something most members would like to read?
- Does this message add value to the forum?
- Is this something I would say to a person face-to-face?
*If you cannot answer yes to all of these questions, please reconsider posting your message.
Members that are interested in posting an item for sale (non-commercially) can utilize the Classifieds section. Item sale posts are limited to the swap and sell section.
- You must be a registered member to post in the swap and sell section. (no Guests)
- All items posted for sale must include a price. This is NOT an Auction/bidding site, and linking to offsite auctions is prohibited. “Make me an offer” with no posted base price is prohibited. If you are looking for a specific item in trade, then the item/items being sought must be listed in the post.
- If your item has sold, or a deal is pending, please edit or delete your post to reflect this. For sale threads older than 60 days without reply or bump will be removed.
- All person-to-person sales must comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal rules and restrictions.
- Firearm sales of any kind IF the seller holds a current FFL (Why? Because determining the difference between a personal sale and a business sale is impossible)
The SASS forums shall not be used as for any of the following:
Financial gain
The promotion of any membership organization (including other bulletin boards/online forums)
The defamation, libel, or slander of SASS or any of its owners, directors, employees, or volunteers
Fundraising, Petition, or charity venue not directly related to SASS
The promotion of religion, politics, sexism, profanity, pornography, or any illegal endeavor.
To challenge vendors or to argue cases or conflicts.
As a leveraging tool for any reason.
Firearm sales of any kind IF the seller holds a current FFL
Please be an active member of the Forum. Members working together to monitor the forums for inappropriate content is a crucial element of maintaining the Forums. Alert the moderating team of any posts that you may deem inappropriate or that are in violation of these terms of use by using the “Report to a Moderator” function.
The Avatar you choose should reflect the nature and/or history of Cowboy Action Shooting and the Old West. You may post photos of yourself, historic figures of the period, photos of western film stars, or objects of the period. SASS Wire Forum Avatars should reflect as much on the Cowboy Action Shooting experience as attending a match.
Links to commercial or offensive websites as well as bulletin boards and chat rooms in the permanent signature line of any user is not acceptable. Acceptable links in a user’s permanent signature include: links to your personal, non-commercial website, links to your shooting club.
Links in Posts and Topics
Absolutely no links are to be posted anywhere that are pornographic or profane in content, promote Anti-SASS dissention and defamation, considered offensive, or illegal. Acceptable links in a user’s post include: Links to any legitimate business as long as the Users intent is to provide helpful information to other users of the Wire and not provide a promotional vehicle for the benefit of business, Links to instructional or SASS/Cowboy Action Shooting related videos (YouTube), Links to downloadable entry forms or event/club information where appropriate.