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  1. I have always thought that tactical reloads in Wild Bunch were prohibited. I have searched and could not find any info. on that subject.
  2. Yes, 3 gun has an unlimited round count, but you still have to knock the targets down, or it is scored as a miss, unlike Wild Bunch if it doesn't go down...sorry move on.
  3. Happy Jack, I disagree with you on your comment. In CAS you can make up a missed shotgun target, but you are on the clock, and your score is the time it takes you to get through a stage. In 3 gun, you shoot the shotgun targets until they go down, also you can shoot one shot on the paper targets, and you are good if in the "A" zone, or 2 shots to make sure your target is neutralized......all on the clock.
  4. I know that rules are rules, but what is the reasoning that you can't make up a knockdown shotgun target that doesn't go down? Some ranges have knockdowns in heavy sand, and I think you would need to use 00 buck to get reliable knockdowns.
  5. I shoot an older Springfield Mil. Spec. the sights on my gun are terrible, like original G.I. sights, the new Mil. Spec. sights are real nice, as they said just black out the white dots. I shoot traditional.
  6. I had the buffer in my 1911 for 35 years never had any problems............but if there was/is a chance for a malfunction, I like to try and defeat Murphys law, anytime I get a chance to. Buffers are now in the trash.
  7. I would like to know what are the Wild Bunch shooters opinions about using a recoil spring buffer? You know that 1/8 inch thick piece that fits on the recoil spring guide. I have always used them, and replace after they get beat up. I had a discussion with my gunsmith about them and he said they can cause some problems if they are oversized they can crack the dust cover. I removed mine the other day, shot the gun and didn't notice any change, and I didn't replace it. Just some thoughts.
  8. Switch to any of the Hi-Tec coated bullets, you will never look back.
  9. I just switched over to all Hi-Tec coated bullets. Less smoke, very little, if any leading, supposed to give a few more FPS, and you don't have a big mess with all that waxey lube on your loading dies. I now use them in my Wild Bunch Springfield 1911, Ruger Vaqueros 44 mag, Marlin 1894 44 mag. and my Pedersoli 45/70. Plenty of makers out there I happen to use ACME bullets.
  10. Has anyone tried Alliant Power Pistol powder behind a Hi-Tec coated 45 acp. bullet? I am switching from lead bullets to Hi-tec bullets and am interested in Powder Pistol powder.
  11. Compassion has no place in Wild Bunch.......I take my Aleve and go for it.
  12. Aleve is our friend!
  13. I feel bad about your wrist ailments....... If Wild Bunch starts adding any new categories, it will be heading down the road like CAS has. I have been shooting both CAS and Wild Bunch for some time. When I started with CAS, I think there was 7 or 9 categories.....now I think there is about 42, which is ridiculous. I like Wild Bunch categories, traditional and modern, some times an open class is available..........and that is it.
  14. If the primer holes have been drilled out, do not use them for regular loads. I have some 44 mag. brass that I use with rubber bullets, the manufacturer recommended to drill out the primer pockets, and not to use them again for regular 44 loading. If you don't drill out the primer holes, since there is no recoil, the regular sized primer holes, when fired the primer will back out and jam up the gun. Don't known what would happen to a 1911, fired with rubber bullets.
  15. I too have a large hat size. Go to e-bay and purchase a wooden hat expander, they work good. Find the largest hat you can get, soak it in water and expand. Take it slow you don't want to tear the hat. It might take several times to get it to your size. Good luck.
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