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Three Foot Johnson

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Three Foot Johnson last won the day on July 4 2023

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  1. With the proliferation of good used Model 12's, $600 sounds high, but everything's gone up the past couple years so who knows. I switched to a Model 12 in 2019. The first one (pictured), a 1959 model, was off Gunbroker, and the seller stressed all the bad things about it and none of the good things. The stock was speckled with blue paint, the mag tube was dented in a couple places and wouldn't load or feed shells, one of the mag tube cap screws was missing, the mag tube was put on 180 degrees off so it wouldn't lock into place and was held there by a heavy piece of wire (coathanger wire) twisted tight instead, the barrel had a small bulge about three inches back (I was going to cut it anyway, so no big deal), the slide handle retaining spring was missing (a totally unnecessary part for function), it was covered in light rust freckling, and the action was full of old dried grease making it stiff to operate. My winning bid was $116. I took it apart, cleaned it, cut the barrel, remounted the sight bead, turned out a plug to tap through the mag tube and work the dents out, found a screw in the parts bin for the end cap, and ordered the slide handle retaining spring from Numrich's, because why not? Anyway, all the work was pretty basic and only took a few hours. It's been my main match WB shotgun ever since. I won another one later the same year, a 1937 model in excellent condition for $275 from GT Distributors, a police supplier in Austin, TX, that had "Bayside police" electric penciled on one side of the receiver, Bayside being a tiny community of less than 300 about 25 miles north of Corpus Christi. It had already been professionally cut down, so it was ready to go, and likely just rode around in the town's only police car for several years until it was disbanded and the shotgun ended up at the Austin store.
  2. Last weekend, a shooter had a buffer come apart and jam up the gun. He put it on the table to continue the stage, too close to the edge maybe, and it somehow ended up on the ground for a match DQ. https://forums.sassnet.com/index.php?/topic/350936-wtc/
  3. I use Tripp 7R-45-WG, but it has been suggested to me Checkmate CM45-7-S-CMF is a better choice. Who knows - whatever works.
  4. I rotate a Rock Island, Springfield, Colt Series 70, and a Remington R1. I've had the Colt since 1978 when I got out of the Navy, bought the R1 when I was gun room manager for Sportsman's Warehouse, and the Springfield off Gunbroker. About five years ago I got a good buy on Rock Islands, so I picked up six of them on my FFL @ $319.99 ea for my little one-man transfer business, and kept one for myself. I started Wild Bunch with the classic old target load of Bullseye and a H&G #68, and could never get it to work acceptably well in ANY of them. I switched to 4.0 WST and a 230 grain RN (uncoated), after reading about it here, and malfunctions are now extremely rare occurrences, AND felt recoil is lighter - go figure.
  5. How far do you go? In addition to the standard field strip, I always remove the firing pin and extractor, and clean them & the channels. It only takes an additional minute, but seems to be an "every now and then" thing for most shooters.
  6. OK, the cargo pants aren't right, but I'm working on it. Sergeant, 2nd Army, B Cav.
  7. I noticed there doesn't seem to be an exception for the .56-50 in the Wild Bunch manual like in the SASS manual - is it a legal rifle caliber?
  8. In addition to condition, it depends on how it's advertized. I bought a 1959 model on Gunbroker in December for $116, because the buyer bragged up all the bad things about it, and none of the good things. He mentioned things like - Scattered light rust end to end Mag tube torn (never did find that one, other than one of the end cap screw holes was cracked to the end of the tube) Mag tube held on with wire (it was installed 180ยบ off) Blue paint speckles on butt stock (hardly noticeable, and cleaned right off) Bulge in barrel (I was going to cut it anyway - ended up about 23") The mag tube was also gouged and dented in a few places, perhaps due to trying to turn the tube with channel locks or a pipe wrench or somesuch. I turned out a plug on the ol' Jet lathe, tapped it into the tube, and tapped the dents out with a 2 oz hammer. My other one is a 1937 model and has much better cosmetics. Other than having "Riverside police" (Austin, TX) electric penciled on one side of the receiver, it's in VG+ condition. I paid $275 for that one.
  9. I came across this on another site: When you take down a Model 12, the slide handle retaining spring serves to keep (retain) the wood forend (slide handle) in the forward position so you can store the barrel assembly without the slide bar all a flopping back and forth. Take down shotguns were a big thing in 1912.
  10. There's a flat spring in the barrel band that doesn't seem to serve any purpose... what is it and what does it do? I just bought a solid but "cosmetically challenged" Model 12, but all that seems to be wrong/missing/broken is this spring is missing.
  11. I don't think there is a "most popular rifle", like the '73 is for CAS. I use an 1891 Argentine Mauser in 7.65x53 and an SMLE No. 1 Mk III in .303 British.
  12. Watch the rear sight on that Remington. Mine fell off earlier this year - fortunately on the table I re-staged it on. On mine, and so I would assume on all of them, the sight isn't a tight fit in the dovetail and will slide right out if the set screw comes loose. I put it back in with a paper shim on one side and Loctite. ;) I bought my first Model 12 this summer, and hoooo boy... the difference is like night and day. I don't think I'll ever use a '97 for Wild Bunch ever again!
  13. Figure out where the rear sight needs to be, then take it off, put a paper shim in the dovetail to snug it up, a drop of Locktite, slide it back in, and tighten the hell out of the set screw. ;) It sucks when that tiny set screw comes loose, the sight starts moving to the left, you get 4 inexplicable misses, and the sight falls out on the table when you lay the pistol down and move to the next gun. :P
  14. Here's a question - are screws legal for attaching these to the base plate? If the screws then become part of the magazine, the magazine is no longer "standard length", and if they're part of the base pad, they would need to be made of leather, so...?
  15. Yep, the new style works just fine, but I had to spread it a tad bit more.
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