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Col. Cornelius Gilliam

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Col. Cornelius Gilliam last won the day on January 22

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  1. Yes, I know that alias! I am related to Col. Cornelius Gilliam. He is my 4th Great Uncle. I researched my family tree and became interested in the Col. He had very a colorful/interesting life. I've been using this alias since about 1996. He died in Oregon Territory in 1848 while serving as the highest ranking officer in the Territory commanding the militia during the Cayuse Indian war.
  2. Yup, I've encountered the dreaded "double feed" w/ two live rounds, malfunction. It started occurring with 7-rnd Checkmate magazines with the hybrid feed lips. These magazines were reliable for a year or two, then the double feeds started. Traced it back to the feed lips spreading. IMHO, the hybrid feed lip design is more susceptible to spreading then the parallel design. Switched over to Tripp Cobra magazines and have not had a double feed since the change.
  3. Total Time
  4. Ummm, doesn't total time actually work for both these points?? I mean, that's one of the main arguments to use total time?? You can have overall and category winners with total time, and they are not different results.
  5. The problem with total time is what do you do with a stage DQ? There is no way to deal with a SDQ in total time so it in essence becomes a Match DQ. And that is not fair. Stage point scoring translates stage time in to points and the shooter gets 0 points for a SDQ. Thus they stay competitive even with a SDQ. Actually, the SASS recommended SDQ for total time - 5 seconds per available miss on the stage plus 30 seconds works really well in my experience.
  6. Where are the pic's? Sounds nice, congrats!
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