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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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  1. Bottom of page 14 WBAS Shooters Handbook OFFICIAL rule: Additional magazines that the shooter may wish to have beyond those the shooter can carry in pouches may be either carried in a pocket or staged at locations of their choice on the stage. This rule makes it sound as if you need at least one(1) magazine pouch. Is having at least 1 magazine pouch a requirement? I'd like a definitive answer. Not that a weekend WB shoot would make that a strict rule, but I'd like to know exactly what is or is not required in regards to the number of magazine pouches. TIA
  2. Thanks all!
  3. I'm curious as to how long a magazine spring for a 1911 magazine will keep its spring. If it's loaded with 7 or 8 cartridges, will the spring loose its spring power after a while? What about the recoil spring? If the slide is locked back, will the recoil spring loose its strength? Mostly interested in the mag springs. Thanks!
  4. I'm sure this has been asked, but is 38W.C.F a legal caliber. Unless I'm wrong, it is really a .40 bullet. Thanks!
  5. Does anyone use LEE .45 Schofield Dies to reload your .45 ACP? I know that the Schofield Brass is longer than the ACP Brass, but it seems like you should be able to use the same dies for sizing and bullet seating. I'm not sure about belling the case and activating the powder drop. I know that the shell holder is different. Maybe I can save a few bucks if some of the dies are interchangeable. Thanks.
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