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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by Jackaroo

  1. Thanks Happy Jack. That's what I thought as it doesn't say anything in the rule book about progressives. Cheers Jack
  2. Is there any point where a shooter may be SDQ'd for repeated finger in trigger guard infractions. Eg: 1st time "finger" it's basically a warning, second time??? a louder "finger" warning....LOL 3rd time MSV,...4th time ???another MSV or SDQ?
  3. Boggus, I'm not saying the round will get there by brushing the hammer and cocking it.?? It can only get there if loaded and cycled I said,....that if a shooter loads the rifle correctly, ie. it's empty at the LT but he brushes it against something en-route to the line it could cock, but it's still empty? And as we are saying, if click no call, but bang it's a SDQ,..but I understand that yes, a live round at the loading table going off is a MDQ. So we're probably now at a dilemma of two different situations with two different penalties, I get your drift. :) :-[
  4. Frank, he may not have left the LT with a cocked hammer,!...we have seen instances where a shooter has walked up to the LT, or brought the rifle up on the table, brushed the hammer against leather or clothing, thus cocking the hammer. I see it as an extremely rare occasion a shooter will have a round under the hammer in a rifle after loading it, unless he's had a problem and jacked out the rounds at the LT and mistakenly counted wrong, before reloading again.?
  5. OK thanks to all and HJ who replied, glad to hear about the next rule book. JJ The sport is not dying because of issues like this, but like many other things it's caught up in evolution.... we're all getting older and many young people today know nothing of the old west because politics dictates they not be taught history. It's a sad thing but it's happening and I don't believe we can stop the rot. So come an enjoy the fun with us while you can. :) ;D
  6. At a recent WB state match here in OZ a shooter mistakenly, or inadvertantly overloaded one of his magazines. The shooter shot the stage, with no problems only to have the TO say AFTER he finished the stage, that he "noticed" that one of his magazines had an extra round, but the mag was still in his belt in the pouch and was not used in the stage? He awarded the shooter a MSV?? It says in the rule book that this is the penalty for overloading, but if it's not used does that still apply? Seems awfully harsh if that's the case? If he has not used the magazine how can this be MSV? I would have thought the TO (he was a newly qualified RO 2 days earlier) would have gone to the shooter and say, you've got an extra round in that mag, make sure you correct it before it gets you a MSV maybe at another stage. Had he shot that mag and used all the rounds, it would have been use of illegally acquired ammo and the respective penalties applied would it not? There's no penalty for overloading the rifle any longer and with a rifle you cannot see if it's overloaded??? Why the penalty for overloading a magazine if you don't use it? Wondering What's the call here ?
  7. Waiting possibly for 3 years for a rule change to be voted on at a TG summit is just ridiculous? We live in an electronic age of internet, what would wrong with setting a up "conference call" date of TG's to have this voted on or set up a voting poll.
  8. I see there are 605 cowboy action shooters listed, but how many of those are shooting WB?
  9. Good idea Goatnek.
  10. Understand where you coming from BD, but there might be one being used in need of repair? I'm really not interested if it can fire or not.....you maybe right but it did happen to Kathouse Kelli in Texas last year where she racked the slide and 3 shots went of automatically before stopping. We can only deduce that the securing plate for the firing pin was not quite lined up centrally, thus holding the pin forward, it chambered 3 rounds. I have checked the gun had it checked by others and it's perfect, so it may depend on different guns. BUT......I'll refer to paragraph two of my original post. Check it again.??? Just why oh why do we want to break our own set of basic rules for this game.?? Why then do we have that rule in the first place? This ruling is really not necessary and I only see it being pushed by shooters who are VERY familiar with other shooting disciplines where they maybe be allowed to do that!.. That's fine, let them be, but why are we continually changing rules, to me what seems to suit a few of those particular shooters......what to gain a tenth of a second???? If it's because you think it may attract more shooters, I think you are all sincerely wrong,...and it could have just the opposite affect. :) Wild Bunch to me and to many other cowboys, is a game to have fun with a 1911, & that it is a tack on from the cowboy era; with a lot of folks totally new who are unfamiliar with is game, ....I see it all the time, some of them have never handled a 1911 before. SASS advocates that all new WB shooters do an orientation course as outlined in the manual, to make them familiar with the rules and the 1911 when they first start,...(it's not an RO course) but I haven't met or spoken to anyone here who has undergone one.! We do do them in Australia cause I have done several, and they work very well. But at the end of the day....BD,....do we really need to go down this path and break our own set of basic rules....might as well change the RO course and delete the rule in my paragraph two!!! Merry Christmas. :D
  11. Put the rifle down with one on the carrier.
  12. Understand where you're coming from Happy Jack, but....you're breaking the basic WB rule of point 5 in my original post. I can tell you there are many shooters unhappy about this rule including WB Ambassadores. It's not necessary and I really don't care about all the other pistol sports who may have a similar rule. WB doesn't need it, sorry.
  13. If you did that you get a penalty mSv.
  14. Not necessarily .....if the hammer is back, it's cocked,,,,,, if there is a "loaded" magazine in the pistol even with the slide back...... it's "loaded" emphasis is on the word "loaded" in my book? If your single action revolver is has 5 rounds in it and the hammer is down on an empty chamber, are you saying it ain't loaded?? :-[
  15. Thanks for the update Sassy, lets hope this addressed soon.
  16. Having downloaded the new WB Shooting handbook and reading through them, then looking at the CHANGES, gemtlemen I think we have a problem, well at least I have. Page 7 of the latest handbook PISTOL RANGE OPERATIONS reads, under dot point #5 "No cocked, loaded pistol may ever leave a shooters hand" (SDQ) The Rule Change Sheet under dot point 5 reads, "The pistol may be restaged with a loaded magazine in the gun as long as the slide is locked open. If the slide closes, thus loading a round it is a SDQ" OK the penalties I understand and agree with, but the change contradicts the book ruling? Also in my opinion this could be a highly dangerous situation and practice,...why...what if ( I hate playing the what if factor, but in this case i have to) the shooter loads a loaded magazine say on the move to shoot another gun, slams it down on the prop letting it go, slide shoots forward,...now it's loaded the round, and the hammer is cocked? A really light trigger he has, it goes off firing the round,...now don't forget there is NO restraint on the gun,...what do you think would happen? If you don't know, this is what happens,....it will spin around maybe a whole 360 degrees depending on the prop surface, from the inertia of the recoil, thus putting everyone standing behind the firing line in danger and all will have been swept with a loaded gun.??? If it has some sort of malfunction like the firing pin jamming, then numerous other rounds could be released and possibly cause well you know what. I'd say to the WB Ambassadores, this needs to rethought, and I will say now, should this rule be enacted by any match director then my guns are packed away and I'm off. As per a thread earlier about "It ain't Wild Bunch"? Any more rules changes towards other pistol disciplines then "IT AIN'T WILD BUNCH NO LONGER"
  17. Back 40, I think Combat is with Rifle pistol & shotgun and movement. Sniper is rifle one position. I think, I can't find the post where I'd seen it before. Cheers.
  18. Yea I have seen them, but I still think we can come up with a better RO pin than that.?? Must have 2 pins to stop it twirling around and looking untidy. And something with WBAS on it, something similar to the SASS RO pin. Maybe in red or blue.
  19. How about a new design for the WB RO pin. The pistol one I think is a pain being a single pin that twirls around on your gear and eventually drops off. I've lost two now and SASS want $10.00 plus tax every time for a another one. How about a decent double pin one based or similar to the CAS one, make it red or some other color. Maybe we should have a design competition for the new one, but the old one should go?? :'( :) :) Just my 2 cents pards.
  20. It's 295 pistol; 87 rifle and 51 shotgun. Direct from the horse's mouth.
  21. Hey Fred, that combat match sounds like fun, need to find me a decent BAM rifle as I sold that Mauser couldn't hit the side of a barn with that. Must get my military field out fit up an running too. ;D
  22. :) :)😀😀😀 yea I thought as much, could go boom!!! 38 Harley cool😀 Yes still have the 7 mm at OK match. It's with Goatnek at present, he was going to have a look at it, as it seemed to be a bit all over the place after a few rounds. Haven't heard from him, was going to pick it up at WR.
  23. Hi Dusty, I'm fine just killing time in Oz ( immigration rules?) at present before we come come back in Early Feb. Yea I was thinking of a unique German Afrika Korp outfit (Panser ) , as I'm from Africa originally and was in an armoured brigade for my military time in the South African Defence Force, have a Mauser at present for Bam. ( if Goatnek can sort it 😀😀😀) How's that? Just need to find an old Harley and side car so I can roar upi N a cloud of dust with my rifle slung across my back😀😀😀😀 as I doubt I'd find a tank!
  24. Hey HJ, what about the BAM matches then which is any military rifle up to the end of WW2? I have a outfit I'm thinking of purchasing/making/wearing at the Bam match which is WW2
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