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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Abe E.S. Corpus

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Abe E.S. Corpus last won the day on June 24 2024

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  1. No 5th Saturday match this month since it’s so close to The Bushwhack (SC State SASS match), but there will be a four stage Wild Bunch mini match at The Bushwhack on April 10.
  2. The Geechee Gunfighters announced a WB match on Saturday, March 29, 2025. Matches are held at the Palmetto Gun Club in Ridgeville, SC. Contact info is on their website. I will miss this one but it should be a good match.
  3. I’m happy to be corrected.
  4. A fellow on my posse at the Florida state match (Wild Bunch side match) used an 1887. The downside is that it only holds four rounds (as I recall) in the magazine, forcing an on the clock reload on stages with more than four shotgun targets.
  5. Slippery Stew sent out the following information about the (six stage) match: You can view the stages for Wild Bunch right now by going to the Belton Bushwhackers website: STAGES ROUND COUNT 147 pistol 22 rifle 30 shotgun
  6. The Belton Bushwhackers will hold a Wild Bunch match the Saturday after Thanksgiving. More info will be posted at www.beltonbushwhackers.com
  7. I can attest that this is a nice rifle.
  8. No club in South Carolina offers a monthly WB match. We ran a match in Greenville on 5th Sundays until we lost the date to a larger number of host club members who wanted to shoot Three Gun. A couple of years ago the Belton Bushwhackers started holding WB matches on 5th Saturdays. That’s about 30 minutes from me so I shoot that match unless I have a conflict. We have a four stage WB mini-match at the SC State SASS match. Belton has hosted that match for the last several years. There is an annual Carolinas Wild Bunch Shootout that the Gunpowder Creek Regulators in Lenoir, SC have hosted for the last few years. It’s a “must”.
  9. Details are posted at www.beltonbushwhackers.com.
  10. Let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that the stage instructions are silent. The new language says “must”. I think this is another area that needs to be corrected in the SHB.
  11. Prior to 2024 the rules as I understood them allowed any shooter to stage loaded magazines or loose ammo. That prior language remains under the heading “Cartridge Belts, Bandoleers, Magazines and Pouches” (SHB 17.4 p. 20) but seems to be contradicted by the first bullet point under the heading “Ammunition Belts and Loops” which reads “Ammunition required…must be carried on the shooter’s person…, or be safely staged AS REQUIRED BY STAGE INSTRUCTIONS.” (All caps not in original). I expect this another cut-and-paste from the CAS Handbook. I liked being able to tell new shooters that they can stage magazines rather than requiring them to purchase magazine pouches. I’m not sure that is now an accurate statement. Please don’t tell me what a Match Director has discretion to allow ow waive in a local match. I know that.
  12. 37 shooters which I believe set a record. We had a great time. It may move to the Spring next year.
  13. This will be a good match. Looks like shooter can use a rifle OR engage the rifle targets with pistol.
  14. I didn’t read the title of the topic very well! Thanks for responding.
  15. A new cowgirl shooter in my club has a new .357 Uberti. Can you advise the manufacturer and “generation” of these kits?
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