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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Back 40

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Back 40 last won the day on January 3

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About Back 40

  • Birthday 02/11/1954

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  1. I would just like to get a Chronicle
  2. I broke mine and he returned my call on a Sunday morning.
  3. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!
  4. BTW the hotel number is 800-677-6906
  5. We are in the home stretch for the Illinois State WB match. It looks like we will have at least 40 shooters. If you still want to come, we will take entries right up to day of shoot. Just give us a call. thanks Back 40
  6. YES, free ho-made ice cream made by Shell Stuffer at the Illinois State Wild bunch championship. GET THOSE ENTRIES SENT IN ASAP
  7. HAY, get those apps in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. .....opps, I mean HEY, you need to get that entry to the Illinois State Wild Bunch match sent in. It's just sitting there on the kitchen table, waiting to be put in the mail. Gitter done
  9. I think this is a good idea.
  10. Tully, top 16 will be posted on the information board, shortly after the last stage is shot
  11. WOW, there are a bunch. BAMM bolt action military match. Teddy Roosevelt big bore lever action, Dough boy stages, Sgt. York stage. several otheres.
  12. I am assuming Serenity will inform those that made it.
  13. It looks like this is going to be the biggest EOT Wild Bunch ever. There has been a few cancellations, so there still is time to sign up. Don't forget to bring your side match guns, you will need ALL of them. One welcoming change, this year the Wild Bunch shoot off will be held Tuesday afternoon before the awards. The top 16 men and top 16 women will compete. This is setting up to be an awesome match.
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