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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

The Original Lumpy Gritz

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Everything posted by The Original Lumpy Gritz

  1. Try 5.5-5.6gn of Unique. OLG
  2. That's 'lite'-Try 5.5 gn of 231 w/200gn LSWC. This has been my std .45acp practice load for over 40 yrs. FWIW: 231/HP38 was developed for the GI .45acp load. OLG
  3. .44 mag, 'cowboy' 240gn bullet use 6.5gn of Unique. .45acp, 200gn bullet use 5.5 WW231/HP38. LG
  4. I only shoot WB at the club level and NONE of my local clubs have any issue with the small base pads on the Wilson mags. Respectfully, LG
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