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Griff last won the day on March 19 2024

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About Griff

  • Birthday 08/04/1950

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  1. Yes, small pistol primers is an issue... For those who have been reloading the 45ACP for years... simply because sometimes the brass pickers get a few in my return bucket... I loaded 500 45ACP Friday in anticipation of attending a match (it rained... read: I overslept), and encountered 4 SPP cases. Which, since I load on a 550C only interrupted my loading cycle, whereas if I loaded on a auto-indexing machine it would have been a bit more problematic if I didn't catch the failure of a primer to seat. I'm wont to return them to their rightful user, AT FASTBALL SPEED! (aka: as fast as my left arm can hurl them)! Being as you're new... maybe those at your club will be more forbearing. Anyway, welcome to one of the funner games around!
  2. Tisas Safety Recall
  3. I can't tell you anything about your particular gun/model; but... ANY factory gun is going to need the attention of a competent 'smith, well versed with the requirements of a competition gun of that type, before it can be truly "competition ready."
  4. I don't know of any American "soldiers" that wore the Navy "dixie cup".
  5. Once again, I can only hope to attend. Every one I've I've been able to attend has been excellent... raising the bar will be challenging, as I can't imagine how it can get better!
  6. I have two Taylor Tactical's and a RIA, all made by Armscor. The two Taylor's have had action jobs, and are ramped... done before either had a round downrange. But... my #1 WB gun is one of the Taylor's, the only stoppages have been magazine related. Threw away all but two of my old (VN era & issue) military mags, problems solved. I'm using Chip McCormick "Shooting Stars" magazines and have no issues. Several gunmakers are using Armscor parts in their builds, and while they may have different specs than RI, apparently something has to have translated over into their general production, if my samples are indeed, representative. I put my 2 Taylor's up against Colt products, of which I own 3. IMO, they measure up admirably.
  7. Installing the UniqueTek Shell Plate Bearing kit on my 550B smoothed out the movement of the shellplate such that spillage is a thing of the past.
  8. When you're driving into the range, but before you exit your vehicle. Yes, but military and former military adherents to the 1911 have been taught that method of carry and are quite comfortable with it... no need for braggadocio.
  9. I had this set put on both my traditional 1911s: Front: and Rear: What a difference! If I recall correctly, several other shooters at our club use the same set.
  10. Yes.
  11. I ain't exactly a speed demon with my SAA, but I can get shot-to-shot split times faster with it, than my 1911 can cycle. And that was with 200 grain pills in both rifle & pistol (.45s each)
  12. Stage Points. Total time simply encourages youthful, adolescent, reckless abandon. We should be responsible adults. Matches should ONLY be scored based on the overall finish, with category placements based on overall. Total time scoring is a falsehood perpetuated by a weak-willed majority, that want their participation trophy regardless of skill or actual performance. Any event where raw speed outweighs the ability to hit targets has denigrated into less of a shooting contest and more of a "trigger drag race." A contest where 4 people that shoot 12, fast, clean stages can be beat by someone that has misses, is no longer a contest of shooting skill. Let's not become "cowboy with a 1911" all over again.
  13. I argued for TT in cowboy action for several years. Back in the '80s. Until the WB sat me down and explained their thinking on the subject. Same with Stage Point Scoring. It's the resort that's the problem, not the scoring method. Overall scores are sorted based off the fastest time of ANY shooter on that stage. Category placements are simply pulled from that overall sort. Same as it SHOULD be down with rank points. A shooter's percentage should only be based off where s/he finished against that fastest time. As long as the sort is against the fastest time for any shooter per stage, under stage point scoring someone from another category doesn't affect any shooter's percentage, unlike the PERCEPTION in rank point scoring. AND, unless you resort scores based on individual categories, thereby giving the illusion that someone finished higher or lower in the overall than others in that category. Categories are an artifice, and SHOULD be viewed simply to easily determine how one did against others in the same age group, or other qualifier. The CLOCK is a constant, it starts at zero and goes until the last shot. Where an individual falls in that range should also be a constant... not all of a sudden introducing a different clock. There should only be ONE clock... not a different clock for Juniors, Seniors & Silver Seniors... ad nauseum.
  14. YeeHaw! Someone else to place behind!
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