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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Tully Mars

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Tully Mars last won the day on October 2 2023

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  1. CND, Happy Jack's answer is the way I remember it being handled, no idea how it would be looked at today. Bogus does a great job, he's done one 1911 for me. You may shoot that configuration in June's H3G match in California, I suspect it wouldn't be an issue for other non sanctioned clubs. Tully
  2. Conchos make sure the top shooter in each category is recognized. If it's only two buckles for top woman and man, then we are taking away from the category winners in my opinion. It does seem there is a difference in Concho cost, $65 seems steep, and would make it difficult for clubs to offer Conchos to Senior and Junior categories.
  3. Currently SASS provides four conchos, (Modern, Traditional, Ladies Modern, Ladies Traditional), the club has to buy Senior and Junior conchos at $50.00 per concho. Will SASS be providing four buckles if this change is implemented, or just two overall buckles? Currently the cost to obtain the Senior category conchos is within most clubs budget, if we go to buckles it most likely will not be affordable. Tully
  4. Misty, As a match director, I haven't had anyone say they'd prefer a buckle. Many shooters attach multiple conchos to their gun belts, holsters or gun cart boxes. I have no preference for myself. I'm curious as to how the information was obtained, did SASS do a poll of WB MD's, ambassadors, shooters? Tully
  5. It's possible the carrier and flag are not original to the gun and need fitting. I've added flags to unflagged carriers which in turn need fitting. Put some Dykem or black maker on the carrier and flag, put a shell in as seen in your picture, push it forward into the mag spring and let it return to the carrier a few times. This should leave marks on the carrier and flag. Remove material with a dye grinder until the shell comes without issues. From the picture the shell is stopping before the flag, by maybe 1/4" Call me if you'd like, we can talk our way through it. Tully
  6. It's possible the action bar is bent/twisted. I've seen this on two M12's, it makes the gun very difficult to cycle.
  7. Hi all, Come join us for the 2023 California State Wild Bunch Championship and 2023 Western SASS Territorial! At the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center in Sloughhouse, CA. We'll have 10 fast to challenging stages and side matches to shoot, and a potluck dinner. Free dry camping, water for fill up is available at the range. Thanks, Tully Application, https://cagunslingers.com/AnnualMatches/2023WBEntry.pdf Flyer, https://cagunslingers.com/AnnualMatches/2023WBFlyer.pdf
  8. Howdy all you WB shooters! Save the dates for a three-day Wild Bunch shoot, November 16-18, 2023. Unfortunately, the 2023 California State Wild Bunch Championship scheduled for May of 2023 has been cancelled. Gold Country Wild Bunch has petitioned SASS for the right to hold the State WB match at the Sacramento Valley Shooting Range in November. Hopefully this will be a SASS sanctioned State Championship and Territorial, however if that’s not the case, it will be three-days of great shooting! I should have an answer soon, as the SASS administration is out of the office until next week. The Doughboy category will be considered if there’s five shooters or more in that category. Rifle targets will be smaller, when possible. Break out the bolt action military rifles, we will have at least one side match with the BAM rifles. Texas had a fun PCC, (pistol caliber carbine) side match. This is being considered as well. It’s not a SASS legal event, however it was a “Large Time”, to quote our Texas friends. More details to come. Weather in November can be questionable, typically it’s rather nice, but cool. Applications will be out soon. Thanks, Tully Mars, 925 783 3800 SASS 40161, Northern California, Nevada WB ambassador, President of GCWB P. S. Please share this message with your clubs, friends and fellow WB shooters.
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  9. Now that it's together, is there tension on the firing pin? The firing pin spring should provide enough tension to push the rear end of the firing pin through the firing pin stop, holding the stop in place. I'd start there. Otherwise I haven't a clue.
  10. There's nothing wrong with 97's or Norinco 97's if they run well. Personally I like the feeling of the M12, and no longer use a 97'. GJ is correct, some folks bind the action bar on the M12, whereas the 97's is thicker material. In the past I've broken action hooks and action screws on the 97'. Typically, neither are easy to fix. M12's have far fewer parts to deal with. GJ's suggestion of using your Norinco for awhile is a good one. You may decide it works great. Prices on M12's are all over the place. Nicer ones can be $600 on up, if you look around and take your time, you can find them for $3-500. I like the ones with a flag on the carrier, and barrel 20-24". Of course the barrel can always be cut down. Regarding firing pins, I've broken two over the years. One thing to check when handling the M12, open the action, hold the trigger down as you close the action, the hammer should not fall until the bolt closes. If it's falling before that you'll kick rounds out with light strikes if you slam fire. It can be fixed.
  11. I could not agree more! It was a "Large Time" as they say in Texas!
  12. Plate rack with a rope to pull up the plates would be great.
  13. Back 40, How will the top 16 be notified? Thanks, Tully
  14. The rifle has the same wording, regarding when it's safe to leave the shooter's hands. It might help if we think of the shotgun as a rifle? Cowboy allows a rifle to leave the shooters hands when the hammer is down on an empty with rounds in the magazine, when restaging for further use. "Initial target sequence" , seems to be the confusing wording. We all know what happens if we overload and use the overloaded ammo, so maybe drop that wording and leave the up to 6 rounds for shotgun, and up to 10 rounds for rifle? If a stage writer wants the shooter to load on the clock, they simply write that into the stage. Tully
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