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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

kid ziggy

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Everything posted by kid ziggy

  1. So you remove the slide release button and assembly?
  2. Purchased a Model 12 for WB. Normal operation when the gun is cocked and trigger released that the slide lock button on the left rear of the receiver retracts releasing the slide for rear movement. In the gun I purchased that release button does not always retract leaving the slide locked so that it will not move to the rear without a little forward pressure to allow the release button to retract fully. I have not broken down the gun yet to see why the release button is sticking but thought I would bring it up here for some input first.
  3. Thanks Jack, is that by default since the manual only talks about live rounds left in long guns?
  4. I can't find the subject item in the online rule books. Thinking no-call in WB until firearm leaves shooters hand at unloading table?
  5. Yup, I have a Colt WWI remake also and shoot traditional. This problem was bad with my gun too. I polished "fit" the safety and the back of the grip so that when the safety is depressed there are no sharp edges along the area that comes in contact with the web between thumb and finger. No more bleeding, pinching, and gouging. Just run your finger around the edge of the back-strap safety with it pushed down and the bottom area below the hammer and you will know where to polish.
  6. Seeing more Model 12s being used. So ... these are 97s with an internal hammer? Those of you who prefer the Model 12 to the 97 - why so?
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