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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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Everything posted by DDMcGrew

  1. I’m wanting to try WBAS. My wife and I have been shooting CAS for 11 years. I’ve got my 1911 now and I’m looking for a model 12. I’d appreciate your expert opinions on whether or not this model 12 on Gunbroker is a good choice for WBAS. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/1079948129 It’s a 1958 12ga, 2.75” chamber, 13.75 LOP, 6-round magazine, cut-down barrel. ELPD is engraved on it. Probably means East Lansing Police Department.
  2. Howdy, Does anyone have a leather pattern for a 2-mag 1911 magazine holder that they'd be willing to share? It would need to fit a 2.5" gun belt that's about 1/4" thick. I am new to WBAS so I'd like to make a couple. I've done leather work before. If I had a proven pattern, it would save me a lot of trouble designing one and it'd probably be better too. If anyone has a flat leather pattern and could trace it onto paper and then mail the paper to me, that would work. Thanks.
  3. Just getting started in WB. I ordered my 1911 but it hasn't come yet. Anyway, I've been wondering about the leather configuration. From looking at photos, I see many people have (for R handed shooter - R to L): Holster, 4 to 6 round shotshell holder, 4 to 5 round extra rifle round holder, 4 to 5 mag holders. But I can't tell where their gunbelt's buckle is. Is it in front and various ammo holders are snapped over the top of the buckle, or is the buckle spun around to the back?
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