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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Blastin Brad

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Everything posted by Blastin Brad

  1. I used a Tisas for years. Had to replace the inside parts cause my gunsmith could not polish the parts, the metal just flaked off. I hear the new ones don't have this problem with the metal. It performed very well and it is my backup now - treated myself to a Colt a few years ago. The Tisas is a strong performer.
  2. The real question is not who is using a 38 rifle, but who is playing the game that could not before because they could not use a 38. I used a 38 rifle in that match because it's legal and cheaper to shoot. I used my 45 colt the previous 10 yrs.
  3. I shoot at every big match that offers it that I attend. OH State, IN State, MI State, KY State, TN State, Land Run. I'll shoot at local matches when available at Piqua, Gibsonburg and Firelands in Ohio. Local matches are within 2.5 hrs of home.
  4. As the rifle and shotgun are "safe for movement" with a live or fired round on the carrier, I would love to see the old ruling come back. A live round in the chamber is, as always, an SDQ. I also think it has to be "in the chamber with the action closed", if the action is open it is not a safety issue (in my opinion).
  5. I just read all of this... here are a few of my thoughts. 1. I talked to CC Top (now CC Moonshine) several times thru out this change. I didn't like the idea of the changes then and let him know. we talked for hours over the possible changes. I understood that the numbers were down and we needed more participation. The Ohio State WB match went from high 20s maybe low 30s shooting to 8 prior to the changes. Eight shooters at a state match... yes we needed help and things needed to change.. 2. I was all for an "Open" category that allowed 1911s in 9mm, any rifle, and any shotgun. I didn't want to compete against a 9mm 1911 as they are inherently faster than a 45acp. The rifle and shotgun change didn't really bother me as someone shooting a SxS was not going to outdo a stoked 1897. the question came up if you could win the "overall" match if you shot this category. That all depends on what you want to do... grow wild bunch or grow shooters to enter what we all considered the "real" categories at the time. Yep, we are trying to get more shooters in. 3. I must admit that when asked about the rifle I said it didn't make a difference to me cause I could not tell the difference shooting my main match 38 or my WB 45. Mine are both the exact same rifle, just of different caliber. Do I shoot the 38 now? yes I do, it's cheaper and that rifle runs a little better... 4. What I thought we lost... well I liked the targets a little smaller and further out. I liked the challenge and we have lost some of that. However, there is no reason we cannot have some targets further out or smaller... as the rules say "typically" the placement is. 5. We now have new rules. Lets play the game and enjoy it. We can work on changing the rules as we go. The addition of TR and DB classes is interesting to say the least, and I'm interested to see if they grow! Now that we have the new rules, lets get behind the game and make it better, whining here is not going to help. 6. Last.. I've worked with the folks in Historic 3 gun. I'm sorry they walked away from SASS, I think they jumped the gun leaving, but that is their prerogative. They lost me when they started talking and running an "open round count" for the shoots.... I personally am not a fan of that. Hope to see you all at a WB match in the future!
  6. Like to thank Boonie Young and gang for putting on the Ohio State Match. I was a well done match with few issues. I expect to see this grow into the best shoot in the east!
  7. That was true in the past, but as of the Feb 24 rules listing, page 22: Long guns will be emptied and discarded with their barrels pointed safely downrange. This condition may be corrected on the clock, prior to the next round being fired. If the long gun is not discarded empty prior to the next firearm being fired, only the shooter may return to open and/or clear the firearm at the end of the stage under the observation of the TO. Should an empty casing/hull be ejected or found in the action or chamber, or a live round on the carrier of an open action, a Minor Safety Violation (MSV) will be assessed. However, if the action is opened, and a live/unfired round is ejected, a Stage DQ (SDQ) will be assessed for a long gun with a “live round under a cocked hammer having left the shooter’s hands”. In this case, there is no opportunity to correct this condition before firing the next firearm, as the penalty takes effect upon leaving the shooter’s hands.
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