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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Chicken George

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  1. Sounds like I probably need to gear up to load my own sooner than later. I really don't like relying on others anyway. I did talk to my friend about it today. He ran a few through his reloader and checked them. He liked how they looked and didn't want to adjust anything. But then we compared those ones to the ones we loaded before and ours are a few hundredths longer. He thinks it was loader user error on our part. Apparently, his 650 requires just the right touch. We'll see if the new ones will fit. CG
  2. Hi GJ, Your info is just what I needed. Thanks! Your vast knowledge in just about everything never ceases to impress. I was actually thinking of sending you a PM to ask about this instead of posting. DB, I was wondering about that. I was worried that even a slight change in the length could influence how well it feeds from the magazine to the chamber. I don't know how sensitive 1911s are but I would think longer would feed better. JFN, Thanks for sharing that. I was wondering how common this problem is. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
  3. Hi, I'm just starting in Wild Bunch but my son has shot a few matches. I bought a second 1911, branded by Taylor's. We loaded up a bunch of ammo on a friend's reloader who is pretty serious about WB. None of it will chamber in my new gun. It fits fine in my other gun and all of my friend's 1911s. It hits on the sides of the bullet, just in front of the casing. I bet if we seated the bullet in more, with a shorter OAL, it would fit but I don't want to have my friend change up his setup and I'm not ready to load my own yet. Is it possible that I got a defective barrel and they would warranty it? How hard would it be to modify the barrel? It was a cheap gun and so I don't want to spend a lot on repairing it or buying a new barrel.
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