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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Bladesmith, SASS 113085

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  1. I have amended my notes. That will be my starting point. Thanks to you both!
  2. Appreciate your input @Garrison Joe! I’ll play with the powder and check with my chronograph to make sure I get things dialed in. I’ve seen more SPPs on the shelf in my neck of the woods, but I’ll keep an eye out for some LPP as well. The only .45 ACP brass I have is some SPP I picked up during the pandemic when the primer situation was more dismal so there’s no changing over for me.
  3. I’d like to try Wild Bunch this year and have started doing some homework. I’ve gleaned from prior posts that around 3.9 grains of WST with a 230 grain projectile is probably a reasonable starting place. What I haven’t seen discussed is if using small pistol primers causes any issues? Given the greater availability and lower cost of SPP at present, I’m planning to use those and the appropriate brass, barring any reason not to. Appreciate any input!
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