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Seymour Action

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  1. I use AA#5 and Bear Creek Moly coated bullets. 230 Round Nose and 200 Wad Cutter. Can't give you the charge because I haven't had a chance to Chrono them yet. But shot these loads for years in action pistol matches.
  2. shot a few of these, they shot fine. I need to chrono them still
  3. Just a heads up. Midway posted an Ad. For Swiss Surplus. SA
  4. Just got a Dillon 750. Need to move all my existing setup. Open to any offers or local pick up. Please message any questions. Here's the list. Prices include shipping to the cont. US. Pictures to come. No scammers please!!! LNL AP Press assembly $475.00 (Strong Mount & Case Feeder were SOLD) Shell Plates $35.00 ea. I have #1 (270 Win), #6 (38 / 357), #8 (9mm), #10 (10mm / 40 cal), #16 (223), #30 (44 mag), and #45 (45 ACP) Powder Through Expander $8.00 #.430A Seymour Action
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  5. Anyone loading these? Looking for a BAMM bullet for my Yugo M48 Mauser. Hunters Supply Slick Coat 8mm (8x57) 170 grain Flat Point Lead Bullet
  6. I agree!! Rebuilt is exactly how I see them. Maybe "fake" was the wrong word to use, since I'm a shooter and not a collector. The one they have is a NIB M48A with all the accessories. I got the M48 due to the lower price. The MAS 1936 was in nice shape too, But I didn't like the bolt handle shape. Thanks!!!
  7. I miss spoke. These were M48 and M48A. One is a Michell's Mauser. I guess from what I'm reading they are fakes.
  8. New to Wild Bunch. I've been looking at LGS for rifles. I found a Yugo Mauser in 8mm. It says 44 on the side but M47 on the top. I guess it's reworked in 1947 so not legal?? I also found a MAS 1936 in 7.5x54. Would this be a good legal rifle??
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