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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Ranger Dan

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Everything posted by Ranger Dan

  1. Currently using a Colt gold cup trophy model. I'm liking it.
  2. This has always baffled me. Please explain how you can shoot a different set of targets with a different sequence than the other competitors and still be scored as "main match" category? I fully support the DB and TR as side match, just don't see how you can put them in the main match, also you need a RIFLE range to shoot it. Most of the CAS ranges I go to only have pistol ranges (50 yards or less) and couldn't even support rifle caliber shooting. CAS has long range rifle as a side match, WB should be the same.
  3. The combination of guns used for WB is what I like most. The 1911, lever action rifle, and the venerable Winchester model 97 shotgun "stoked" makes WB for me. Stages with no rifle or no shotgun totally misses it for me, the combination of guns and transitions is what makes it fun. A pistol only stage is just bullseye shooting, and that already exists elsewhere. There are tons of combinations that keep it interesting with 2,3,or4 magazines, exceeding four mags on a stage usually is doing the same sequence again, and again. I like combination rifle pistol sequences. The allowing 38 rifles is a great addition to WB. At this time I see no need to up the power factor. Knock down targets will cure that. Timers picking up the 38s can and is done all the time. The only firearm I have not been able to time is a suppressed .22. TO you need to get closer regardless which firearm is last to ensure you get the last shot. There is no rule saying "rifle not last" unless there is some type of obstruction (window doorway) that prevents the TO from getting a little closer to the gun, allow rifle last. Target distance and size always seems to come up in these discussions. This is totally on the range officials and what they have to work with. Remember who your shooters are! Dumping 7 on 3 big targets at close range is "meh" for me, but my wife gets a kick out of it and if you transition to 15 yard smaller targets on the same stage, you have something for everyone. WB doesn't need everything big and close, but there is nothing better for the sport than a grinning shooter coming off the line cuz he/she had fun mag dumping on an easy target.
  4. That would be fun for experienced shooters. Something a lot of experienced WB shooters seem to forget is not everyone is an experienced shooter and would be very uncomfortable shooting one handed, much less off hand. I would be fine, my better half would not, and I would not like to see the results of the many WB shooters who have never even attempted one handed or off hand shooting with their 1911. We often see the WB posts about how it should be "more challenging" and I agree. However you have to take into account the not so experienced shooters perspective. What is challenging to us may be too much for others and that is not good for the sport.
  5. Wartrace Regulators host a Wild Bunch monthly match every 3rd Saturday. Wartrace Regulators
  6. The 3 big matches I attend every year are TN state, AL state, and Southeast Regional. Always shoot the WB side matches. These WB side matches usually draw 30-50 shooters, and I know several more who would shoot the WB if they were not at the same time as all the other side matches (BP, Warmup, Long Range etc.) I believe we could draw 100+ to a WB annual Championship match if a club were to hold one in the southeast region.
  7. I shoot at Wartrace Regulators TN. 1 hour south of Nashville. I live 1 hour north of Nashville, so it's a 2 hour drive down and back through Nashville. Wartrace hosts a monthly CAS 5 stage match the 1st Saturday every month and a CAS/WB 5 stage match every 3rd Saturday every month. I shoot CAS the 1st Saturday and WB the 3rd Saturday. I also attend the TN state as well as the Alabama state CAS, and always shoot the WB 4 stage side matches. No clubs I know of holds a WB annual main match in the southeast region. Would be worth going if there was. I have also shot the Mississippi state and Black Gold, and shot their 4 stage WB side matches.
  8. I noticed that also. Seems they copied that directly from the CAS shooters handbook.
  9. Common Parameters: Wrap around grips that cover a portion of the front strap are illegal. 1911 Pistol-Modern Category Modifications: Checkered front strap and trigger guard allowed. This means any type of checkering, stippling, and/or serrations are legal. My understanding of these rules makes anything that you attach to enhance grip to the front strap would be illegal. Checkering, stippling, serrations that are cut into the front strap would be legal in the modern category.
  10. Anyone in TN qualified and willing to teach an WB RO class? Asking for the Wartrace Regulators.
  11. I shoot a Ruger also, JFN is spot on. I would not pass up 6 bills for a use one.
  12. Thank you.
  13. This question is being asked on fakebook with multiple people giving conflicting answers. Q: Can the 1911 ejection port be visible when holstered?
  14. My son shoots a uberti 1873 carbine in 44mag. Slicked up and short stroked by me and I load it the same as my 44/40, with 44mag cases, not 44spl. He chose 44mag to also use it for hunting, has since gotten a Winchester 30/30, so it only gets used for SASS. Yes uberti did make a 44mag model 73. I think they discontinued, but there around. Great SASS rifle.
  15. GJ, guess that is why I was the only one to catch this. I do count rounds fired from each magazine and leave it up to the spotters to track target hits. For me it is a carry over from CAS, counting rounds fired from each gun, in WB each magazine. As RO, I rarely can assist the shooter if they loose track of where they are in the string as my attention is on the gun and assisting the shooter to correct a malfunction, safely. In this case I was a spotter, but automatically count rounds anyway. Thanks for all the input.
  16. Jus to clarify, this was a wild bunch match. Like most matches this was a "side match" at a larger CAS match so we were using the existing CAS target array. These are set up for 5 or 10 round strings, so some stages will use 5 round magazines and the same strings used for the CAS match, x2 with 4 magazines. Other stages used 7 round magazines. I have shot many matches like this. Our usual monthly will have at least 1 stage with 5 round mags.
  17. Had a shooter this past weekend that had similar problems. Shooter liked to slam the mag into the pistol causing the slide to release rather than using the slide release or the slide to feed the first round of each magazine. Turns out this caused the forward lip of the magazines to bend down, allowing the mag to sit higher and catch the slide and not feed. Straightening the baseplates fixed it and final stage went without a hitch.
  18. Stage instructions call for four 5 round magazines. Shooter has a malfunction, ftf 1st round 3rd magazine and pulls his spare 7 round mag and fires all 7 in the proper sequence. Then loads his last 5 round mag, finishing the sequence with 2 rounds unfired. So is there a penalty here ? Is this an "illegal ammunition" situation, 2 misses for the extra rounds fired from the 3rd magazine? And if the shooter had fired only 5 and changed mags, would the round chambered be "illegal" since it came from the 7 round mag?
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