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Flying W Ramrod

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Flying W Ramrod last won the day on February 27

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About Flying W Ramrod

  • Birthday February 9

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  1. There was an, uploading, computer glitch. Scores should be posted on EOT site tonight. Match was challenging. Only 1 clean match, Holy Terror. Lots of movement, some small, dueling tree, targets. Think all had an interesting time. I imagine, next week, will have more reports as folks come home.
  2. Anybody seen them?
  3. 177gr, Thanks, fixed the document
  4. Running them through a Bulge Buster at the end of reloading takes this step out.
  5. Had some free time, I'm retired, it's all free time 😄 2025 SHB Changes.docx
  6. Howdy Pards: Just did a "word for word" on the 2024 SHB to the 2025 SHB. Here's the changes I've found. If you find others, please let me know. Page 6 Modern Category: May use any SASS legal main match shotgun and any legal main match rifle, .38 caliber or greater. Traditional Category: May use any SASS legal main match shotgun and any legal main match rifle, .38 caliber or greater. Teddy Rosevelt Category: It is recommended that the rifle targets for Teddy Roosevelt be set at 25 to 50 75 yards. Page 7 Doughboy Category: The rifle must be an original caliber bolt action rifle issued by any country to its military forces through the end of WWII. It must be as issued with original iron battle sights and no external modifications. Original scoped rifles are not allowed. Minimum Entrant Category Requirements: *Shooting categories offered at any match, including Teddy Roosevelt and Doughboy as Main match categories, are ultimately at the discretion of the Match Officials to ensure the success and viability of each match individually unless the individual contract indicates otherwise. Page 10 Range Operations and Safety Rules: Add/Change Bullet points 7, 8, 9: - All staged long guns shall have their barrels pointed safely down range, unless the stage scenario and provided prop calls for vertical staging of the long gun(s). (Vertical staging is not restricted by SASS). - All long guns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface shall be staged lying flat where at least the rear of the trigger guard is on the staging area. - All handguns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface must be staged with the entire handgun lying flat on the staging surface. Page 14 1911 Pistol – Range Operations 1911 Safety and Handling First bullet point: Magazines may be loaded with up to seven rounds at any time, unless limited by stage instructions. Third bullet point: After being first charged, the shooter may move with the 1911 as long as the chamber is empty of a live round. The slide may be forward or locked back. It may have no magazine or an empty or loaded magazine. Page 18 Shotgun Gauges: Slide action shotguns must be centerfire of at least 16 20 gauge and no larger than 12 gauge. Page 19 Safe Conditions During a Course of Fire – Shotguns: A shotgun is considered SAFE to leave the shooter’s hands… Add Bullet Point 4: Action open. Page 22 Safety: Safety and Handling Conventions: All Firearms: Replace 12th bullet point with: There is no penalty for an empty case/hull in a gun that is open or that the shooter has cycled. If a proper attempt has been made to cycle the gun, it will be cocked. Page 23 Bullet Point 1: Change to read: “Long guns will have their actions cycled at the conclusion of each shooting string. If the action of a long gun closes after being cycled, then the competitor will, at the conclusion of the stage, show it to the TO. Appropriate penalties will apply if it is not empty of live ammunition/unfired rounds.” Page 26 Change to read: Targets are set at close to medium range. While there are no absolute rules, the following are distance recommendations by firearm, if using a target size of approximately 12"-16" in diameter: Pistol targets: 7 to 12 15 yards. Shotgun targets: 8 to 15 16 yards. Rifle targets: 15 13 to 25 50 yards. Add: SASS recommends the round count for the pistol (per stage) is a minimum of 28 rounds. Page 33 Ammunition Covenants: Power Factor for the 1911 Pistol: Change to read: The minimum bullet weight for the 1911 pistol is .45 ACP and the minimum power factor of 150. The maximum velocity standard for the 1911 Pistol is 1000 fps. Pocket RO Card Remove first entry for MSV “empty or live round……”
  7. Thanks Misty I'll be updating my WBRO PP to reflect any changes. Regards and see you at EOT
  8. Don't look for your mags. You don't need to pull them in a specific order. Just drop your hand and grab what you touch. Keep the pistol up when you change mags, don't lower, insert, raise, takes too much time and you have to regain the target. You don't need to hammer the bottom of the mag into the pistol, just put it in right the first time. Whirlwind Wendy taught me all this.
  9. Pg 13 WBSHB "Only non-adjustable “military style” simple blade rear and front sights allowed." "Front sights may be dovetailed, pinned, or staked." "Sights may be the color of the slide or any combination of the slide color, including but not limited to: blue, black, or natural stainless (natural colored) steel. The back of a colored front sight may be polished to a natural steel color." Based on this, the "military style" simple blade rear and front sight is your determining factor.
  10. February is the month for WBAS RO Classes in the Phoenix area. Friday, February 14 at Cowtown Range, just 15 minutes from Ben Avery (for those who want the class but don't want to miss Side Match Wednesday at EOT) Wednesday, February 26 at EOT. Contact Flying W Ramrod at ramrodwayne@gmail to sign up for either one of these classes.
  11. However, unless a designated, safe work area, is established, the ULT could be considered that area. Since the firearm was a declared malfunction, I don't believe the penalty for firing into the berm holds. IMHO
  12. Hopefully the RO Instructors and CRO's will be included
  13. Keep us updated on the Zoom Meeting details please. Regards
  14. SHB 17.4, Pages 12 and 13. No mention of what side the mag release must be on. Extended mag release is allowed in Modern, not allowed in Traditional. WBRO Manual lists the same requirements for Mag Releases in three locations, Slides 17, 18, and 24. None say you can't change the mag release to the right side. Wild Bunch Range Operations and Match Directors Guide Pages 23 and 25 refer to checking the mag release for extended and oversize. Nothing about side of pistol. The SHB 16.3 from 2022 says the same. I'm thinking that, at some point in history, the location of the mag release was removed and no one noticed.
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