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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Marshal Flint

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  1. I cut the barrel down to 22" and I have the trigger group pulled out waiting for a safety to arrive. Thanks again for the helpful posts!
  2. Thanks Three Foot!
  3. Mine should be at the FFL tomorrow B I am looking forward to trying that as well
  4. Thank you Tully. I will give that a try!
  5. Thanks again for all the input and I have taken your advice and read the rules and changed my 1911 back to the original grip safety. And I was able to find a Model 12 Winchester that didn't set me back an arm and a leg :)
  6. Good eye I didn't even notice that! I will have my gunsmith friend take care of that. Marshal
  7. Thank you Dusty! I appreciate the info!
  8. Hi All, I picked up a Winchester Model 12 it has the customary 30" Barrel and it conmes with the poly choke tube which if I understand the rules correctly is not allowed? Also, if I understand the rules correctly I can shorten the Barrel to 20" and recrown it? I am new to this and want to make sure I do this the right way! Do you all prefer the 20" vs 30" barrels? Thanks for the help!
  9. Thank you everyone for your input! I am reading the WB rules and gathering personal experience info. Thanks again for your help!!!
  10. Thanks, the shotgun is going to be my next purchase!
  11. This is the pistol that I have: I would rather ask these questions now than to find out on the shooting line that my gear is unacceptable. Thanks for the help!
  12. I have a Rossi 92 in 45 colt, that is acceptable correct?
  13. Hi All, I used to shoot CAS with the Rock River Regulators, and I had some financial needs at that time and had to liquidate my CAS inventory. I have a 1911 in .45acp, and I was wondering which rifle in .45LC and which shotgun I should get to be able to shoot in the wild bunch matches? I would like an answer to the question not several links to look up, I am wondering in real life experience what you have found to work best? Is a 66 Yellowboy a good rifle for Wild Bunch or is there something better? I only want to buy once and make a smart purchase. Thank you so much for your help! All the best!
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