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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Johnson County Mike

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  1. Hi, the CMP will open a second round for those that did not participate previously. I received a 1911 made in 1918 and am very happy with it, regards, Mike https://thecmp.org/cmp-set-to-open-second-round-of-1911-pistol-orders-in-early-2021/ here's the one I got
  2. Hi Happy Jack, I am "happy" you answered this; I wasn't sure, regards, Mike
  3. Hi, if she cocks the hammer then pulls the slide back it will be easier. Is this Wild Bunch legal ? I don't know, probably not. Clint Smith had a video about pushing the slide back with your whole hand; I think this is what August West is saying. I search for this Thunder Ranch video but can't find it, regards, Mike
  4. Hi, I have several 1911's including 1911A1's and never had a problem losing the front sight. I would lay the blame with the manufacturer. I have had problems in the past with improperly staked grip screws, etc. or improperly installed parts with some lesser commercial builders. YMMV, but I like the idea of the dovetail if you need it, regards, Mike
  5. Hi, YouTube is your friend Regards, Mike
  6. Hi, I just bought a nice one at my local dealer. It was marked $695 but marked down to $395. It's in nice shape. I think I was lucky, regards, Mike
  7. Hi, "dipping" is a classic flinch, anticipating recoil. Try a lot of dry fire practice, regards, Mike
  8. Hi, with all this talk of grips I went over to the "Ahrends" web site. Kim Ahrends has made grips starting in the '80's and is a great guy. I have several of his grips on my 1911's. I have always liked wood on my semi-autos. The bad news is that he was forced to declare bankruptcy as his wife and business partner has passed away. I also learned that Cocobolo wood has been declared "endangered" and is no longer imported into the US. I guess the bank took over his company and plans on selling grips under that name. regards, Mike
  9. Hi, here is a thread on 1911 recoil springs from the CMP Forum. This may help, Mike http://forums.thecmp.org/showthread.php?t=254750&highlight=recoil+spring
  10. Hi, is this what your looking for ? https://www.brownells.com/gunsmith-tools-supplies/handgun-tools/magazine-tools/1911-auto-magazine-lip-forming-tools-prod911.aspx I usually just replace my magazines as once the lips get bent I have no luck in reconditioning them, YMMV, regards, Mike
  11. Hi Baltimoreed, he's not the only one, an older guy was confused by my reference to the opening scene of the burning of the scorpion. I guess they're not movie buffs. Me, I love that movie and just got the Blue Ray and the book on Amazon "The Wild Bunch: Sam Peckinpah, a Revolution in Hollywood, and the Making of a Legendary Film" by W. K. Stratton. It was interesting and I learned that many of the Mexican actors were big stars of Mexican movies. I also learned that the actor that play "Mapache" and also Albert Decker were a little strange; to say the least. Mike
  12. Hi Brother, I was original attracted to "Wild Bunch" because I liked the movie. After careful contemplation I realized one of my weakness in self defense is speed. So I think that this helps me. Now that I'm older than dirt and no longer in "service" self defense is less of a consideration. I still think it's a "hoot". Wild Bunch using a 22 LR may not interest all, it's still sounds like fun. I don't need anymore hobbies but during my first match I met a lot of great guys. You can never have too many friends, or firearms. The sad thing I found, was that some WB competitors never watched the movie. One young competitor told me " that's a dumb movie." I guess that's what makes the world go around, :), regards, Mike
  13. Hi, I have been seeing a few 42's around not exactly cheap. Thanks for your responses, Mike
  14. Hi Dusty, what do you use as a shotgun ? regards, Mike
  15. Hi, are there any rules for "Mild Bunch" ? I am told that you use a 22 LR pistol and rifle. I guess this is an elastic term and can also mean smaller caliber centerfire. Sounds like using a 1911 with a 22 LR conversion or one of the newer 1911, 22's would be fun. I have a older Marlin 39 and a Colt conversion with the floating chamber that I would like to shoot more, regards, Mike
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