I have a couple custom 1911's I really like to shoot in Modern, but they take more time/care in making the ammo they like. I really enjoy shooting them, so I take the extra steps to ensure the ammo is 100% what they like.
Before those, my wife and I both shot Colts. Right out to the box, they would feed dang near anything. A little tuning and they were super reliable and not the least bit picky about ammo.
As a TO for WB, you see a lot of shooters struggle with ammo issues, mag issues and gun issues. Whatever you decide on, I recommend you have someone go through it if you're not knowledgeable in the platform and tune to your ammo/mags. A well tuned 1911 with the right mags and ammo is a blast to shoot fast. But any of those 3 that are not 'right' can be so frustrating, you'll want to give up on WB.