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  1. I'm glad that you had success with offering Mild Bunch, but after, over a year, of offering it we have yet to have any shooter take advantage of it. We even offered to allow any pump shotgun and any handgun, just to get folks to try it. We have had several CAS shooters add WB to their match schedule but they've all had the correct equipment.
  2. It also was required to cover the entire ejection port. That rule was modified when they realized that the Evil Roy rig didn't cover it, completely.
  3. SASS is saying that these new rules reflect on conversations and meetings with the Ambassadors and general members. Do we have an actual count of how many Ambassadors were in favor of doing away with the rifle power factor? The observation was made that our aging membership will spell the end of SASS. While the up close and fast targets work for the new and aging shooters it does little to bring in the younger shooters. I look at the other shooting sports, that we share the range with, and they are getting the younger shooters but still keeping the older shooters. Our club will routinely get 45-60 shooters for USPSA and Steel Challenge matches. If we seriously want to attract some of those shooters we need to look at our condition 3 start and not moving with a chambered round rules. I don't see us going to 8" plates at 20 yards but keeping a balance of speed and accuracy will at least make us attractive to other shooters. SASS has the reputation of just being repetitive, 10-10-4, and not being enough of a challenge. I had hoped that offering an open class would bring out other shooters to try WB but we have mainly promoted it to CAS shooters and not to outside disciples. I don't see where SASS has promoted WB to shooters, outside of CAS. I actually haven't seen a SASS promotion of WB period.
  4. Attached are the stages for the August 6th WB match. The area we will be shooting at is the farthest shooting bay in. The descriptions will be better defined, at the match, like the part that says mags on your person, means staged or on your person and is a minimum number needed. I'm trying to keep the first few matches simple, and later will get into a more challenging format. WildBunch_2022_Aug.pdf
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  5. I'm looking at setting up a gun for Traditional and found an old Wide Spur hammer, that came off of a 65 year old Colt. According to the rules it seems to be not allowed but they were on original 1911s and A1s. I originally interpreted the rule as not to allow Commander and Speed hammers but inquiring minds want to know!
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