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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Watauga Kid

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Here is the link to January Cowboy Chronicle, https://www.sassnet.com/Downloads/21eChron/21JanChron.pdf
  2. So where do we sign up??
  3. ES; Start by attending a local match. You have the basics do not sweat the rest. If the group you visit get up set, find a different group. I started with my GCNM 1911, Lever gun in 45C, an reproduction 1897. And I got to shoot with one of the greatest, Goatneck Clem. A true gentleman great gunsmith to boot. I live on land he use to plow. He is missed. My WB group is now headed up by Dusty Boddoms, a very reachable man. You can send him a personal inquiry thru this PB tab. I used the good old GI web belt with 3 GI web pouches cutting off the over flaps, an eBay 1911 holster, an a Kbar. Cheap Wal mart suspender's worn inside out between body an belt to hold thigs up. (i lost my hips an butt sometime ago) extra shotgun shells (2) in left breast pocket, not pants. Welcone to a great sport. Come to Texas look up Texas Dougboys 2763 fm 1125, Bowie Tx third saturday 8:30ish. The Watauga Kid.
  4. GMR jumped at landing this match. Awarded late Dec. 2019. Then NOTHING. SASS Members have to go out of their way to seek info. Pebbles are handed out. Really a one day event, no info of any meaning. 97 days to launch an no applications. Lunch will be served sometime; maybe 1 hot dog? I been to these shoots at other clubs. 3 day events, 10+ stages, BAMM, GAMM, an new POP to boost. 40 shooters +. Great food, great people. great location, great stages. And we wait for this one day match!!!
  5. What a great time was had by all. Great weather. Great site. Great stages wrote an played. Outstanding host an club members. Oh!! The food you did not leave hungary. Looking forward to returning next year. :) :) :) :) :)
  6. I have already been signed up for Oct match. I went thru the SASS web site. So do not delay.
  7. FFF I used HP38 or W231 at 3.8. I am using Trail Boss at 3.6. All 230RN with WLP primers. and Goatneck or Dusty Boddams do not duck for cover while I at the line. You will not double charge with TB.
  8. This is a great shoot. Address is 8270 Aledo Road, Ft. Worth, Tx. Exist Loop 820 S.W. at Team Ranch Road, get on south bound service road when you must go left or right go right. Enter first set back red gate, follow ranch road pass thru gate. You are now at the shoot. Sign in at club house top of hill. :)
  9. JJ; S&W MP9 2.0 is real nice. Indoor ranges often have rental guns. Call around, shop around. Female hunting is called shopping, go for it. :)
  10. JJ here is a link to info to read; http://www.sassnet.com/wildbunch/wbRules.php And there is a link for CAS; http://www.sassnet.com/Downloads/Shooters%20Handbook%20%20Vers%2022_3.pdf Then there's BAMM; see goatneck clem post on their rules an needs. Welcome to the sport of shooting! :)
  11. JJ find these matches in your area an watch, ask questions. You will find valuable info. Some will allow you test drive their equipment. Unless you have a hang up with name brands go cheaper. I own a Gold Cup Series 70 National Match which is legal in both, but don't. I brought a 400.00 Philippine made 1911 45 acp. It filled WB shoots 99.9% of all my needs. And if I chose it exspend more practice it would be perfect fit. But I upgraded to a Ruger 1911 with adjustable sights for about 650.00. And it runs. Shotgun SXS, 97, Win 12 oh the choices. Lever Gun 1873, Marlin 44/40, 45 Colt. Where will it stop! 3 gun the Ruger will fit 100%. Quicker recovery would be a 9mm. You are not required to shoot SA's centerfires, wheel guns are fine. I started 3 gun with rimfire SA handgun an 10/22 stock rifle, 12ga pump at placed nicely. Then WB riggs, outfit, etc, etc, Now that I bent your ears go to to some shoots, more the better, more ideas the better. Then think reloading! :)
  12. I am unable to find Trail Boss Data for the 8mm Mauser. Help !!!🤠
  13. I would like to thank Dusty Boddams an Hoodoo Brown for coming to my aid. I have my rifle up an running. Thanks again; The Watauga Kid. :) :) :) .
  14. I am looking for assistance in finding a 8 mm Mauser cast bullets an reduce load data. And dies.
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