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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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  1. I load Missouri Bullet's coated K-Ball (233gr RN), Winchester or Federal large pistol primers, and 3.8 gr of WST. I like this bullet because it has a very close profile to the Lyman 225gr RN mold I use when I have time to cast bullets. This bullet also feeds great.
  2. Does anyone make a tool to check 1911 magazine lips that will also reform them if needed? Thanks,
  3. Thanks, I had watched that video and that's what made me think I might benefit from a lighter spring.
  4. Thanks everyone for your help! Doc
  5. I'm looking for suggestions on what weight recoil spring I should start with to tune my 1911 (Ruger) for my 160 power factor wild bunch loads. I've been using the stock spring, but I'd like to go lighter. I know each gun is different, so I'm just looking for a ball park spring weight to start with. Thanks, Doc
  6. Is the model 25 legal for wild bunch? Thanks
  7. Looking for starting loads with solo 1000 for 45 acp with 230gr and 185gr bullets. Also need starting load for 45 Colt with 200 gr bullets. Thanks, Doc
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