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  1. Interesting. Well maybe POP might make it some year. Sure would love to see something other than 1911 but doubt it is going to happen. Guess I remember the run what you brung before SASS got ahold of WB. Quick question, Model 14 only not Model 141?
  2. CN you know you are more than welcome to use my us armenment 1903 colt. I have a few like 3 or 4 factory mags, lead bullets for it. While 32 acp it is still the same size and pretty close to weight. Got an interarms luger in 9mm as well with a bunch of mags and all lead bullets as well if you want to try or put on a stage for a mag or two of something like dusty mentioned which I have heard is called battlefield pickup. Just let me know. Gilly let me at a WB use the luger and called it turn of the century cowboy class. LV
  3. CN did you go and get a 1908 pocket?
  4. Again, thank you everyone. I just blacked out the sights. I have to tell you the difference in trigger feel between the R1 and the Taurus I used is like night and day. The R1 just a gentle little pressure on the trigger is enough to drop the hammer. The Taurus I definitely have to squeeze a bit more. I can hardly wait to put live rounds through.
  5. Thank you everyone. Going to try some of these and work at it. I missed a lot more than I wanted but still smiling.
  6. So I have been wanting to shoot traditional and traded into a Remington R1. Tried shooting one handed last match with regular Taurus 1911. The results were well not up to snuff. Think kept dipping the pistol wrist was weak. Anyway, any tips what might help other than practice practice.
  7. Looks like our local WB group will be out first time since Feb, got shut down in March and April. Can hardlybe wait!!
  8. Not sure did find an old ad on able ammo https://www.ableammo.com/catalog/para-ordnance-1911-wild-bunch-pistol-gi45wb-acp-wood-grip-covert-black-finish-p-122396.html Indicated $683. At least a starting point.
  9. Wew, I think Grouchy nailed it. These days (well before the canceled matches) a bit more fun with WB than Cowboy. Not sure much else to encouage more to give it a go. The local club pretty much is flexible say on caliber, pistol and rifle, same club runs a cowboy match and allows a category for use of WB guns. I think msybe got one or two possible recruits out of 60 or so people. So pretty well convinced that if a person is interested they will come. All I can do is say give it a try, plenty of folks to help you out. As for me being a cowboy gunfighter I was just starting to try the 1911 one handed. Boy oh boy I was slow but omg did I have a lot of fun. Well to me life is getting too short not to try something new.
  10. Just wanted to tosd out a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to CN Double on his win. Fantastic shooter, good pard and all aroind good guy.
  11. Nice. I have a Ted Blocker cowboy rig and when doing WB just pull the holsters and slip on the mag pouches and 1911 holster. Love the spring steel retainers in the mag pouches as well. Have fun!!
  12. The slightly higher velocity puts it right in there for 1907 as well. Not played with a model 8 since I do not have one. Both to me more or less fit in with Gamm wnd certainly more WB era that is why I call them SAMM
  13. Yee Haw Marshal have fun!!
  14. Nice awards, great turn out! Glad to hear about the match.
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