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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Largo Casey

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  1. FrankI can't find the schedule for the shoot.Does the main match start on Friday? Largo
  2. Got my entry sent in yesterday.Aint shot it in a very long timeBut I gonna have fun. Largo
  3. I just picked up a slide & barrel on county auction site.Its a Springfield 1911A1.Lookin to maybe building me another one from it Largo
  4. Not much luck on that Joe The only SN that falls under is a rifle not a carbine. If I'm able to make it on the 28th I'll bring it with me. Largo
  5. The only # I find is the SN# All match even the mag.I don't know how to post pictures.Are these #s hidden? Largo
  6. I goofed on the 6.5.That is what they had it labeled as.It is actually a 7.5x55 Its a carbine with a 23in barrel.No bayonet lug.Is it legal for WB. Im trying to find componets & all for it but rite now theres not much out there.I have mold for 170 gr 30 cal.What size would be the best size (Dia).What powder does people use.? Largo
  7. Its not the K31.Doing more research.Its a carbine.Detachable mag.No bayonet lug.Maybe a 1905K11.I'm all mixed up on it now. They show a 7.5x55 & a7.5x53 ..??? Largo
  8. Been trying to research it.It looks to be more like the K11 ..Detachable magazine.Maybe found some brass on GB Gonna have some 6.5X55 brass to get rid of. The SN# falls in the K11 range. Largo
  9. I goofed I went by how they had it tagged.I believe it is a 7.5x55. Largo
  10. Thanks Joe.Just starting on this.looking for all this.Not going to be easy finding all the componets. Largo
  11. Just picked up a 6.5x55 & need to know where to get brass & what bullets. What info I can get will be appreciated. Largo
  12. Merry Christmas to ALL Largo Casey Crazy Dazy
  13. Gonna be nice when everything calms down so everbody can get out & socialize.I guess I can get out & work on my carCast some bullets Plenty I need to do. Largo
  14. Crazy Dazy & I did the state WB match in NM (COVID CLASSIC) It was her first WB match.WE had a good time.She got her first WB trophy.Don't get shoot it much here. Largo
  15. Sure is QUITE over here. Largo
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