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  1. Was looking for some more information on the location. Not going to be able to make this match, but always on the lookout for places to go and wanted to file it away for next time. Any links to web pages for the site? I saw the Los Pistoleros facebook page was private. And, the link on the SASS site didn't work. Thanks.
  2. After much hand wringing and consternation, the Deadwood Marshals Club has decided to conduct Bushwhack at Gator Pond 2021 on 23-25 April, 2021. This will be a Wild Bunch Action Shooting match following the SASS standards. However, as before, we will include an OPEN category for those who can't quite satisfy all the SASS requirements/rules and still want to shoot. The OPEN details are on our web page. We have decided not to be the State Championship this year in the interest of simplicity. Fun, Food, and Shooting will remain great as as always. Friday afternoon will be an open range with several stages set up for various type of shooting. We will provide a pot luck dinner with food and drink (soft drinks and beer). We will also provide lunches on Sat and Sun. There will be a Dutch Treat dinner at the host hotel as before. Plan on 5 stages each on Sat and Sun with awards around 1pm on Sunday. The round count will AVERAGE per stage (10 total): 28 (4 mags) pistol; 7 rifle; 6 shotgun. More details will be forthcoming and will be available on our web page: http://www.deadwoodmarshals.com/wild-bunch-match.html
  3. The discount for early registration is ending Saturday 15AUG per the registration form. However, I'll honor the discounted rate if I receive your paid registration by the end of next week, 22Aug. We're set to have another great time and great food. The registration form and preliminary shooter's book is posted on our web page: http://www.deadwoodmarshals.com/wild-bunch-match.html.
  4. Please see updated post. New dates are 18-20 Sept 2020..
  5. After the earlier postponement, The Deadwood Marshals has finalized decisions on holding our Louisiana State Wild Bunch Championship--Bushwhack at Gator Pond. We will shoot 10 stages, 5 on Saturday 19 Sept and 5 on Sunday 20 Sept. On Friday, 18 Sept, we will have an open range in the afternoon followed by a Pot Luck dinner. We'll provide all the food and drinks as before. We'll also provide the lunches on Sat and Sun. We always eat well. Dinner Sat night will be Dutch Treat at the host hotel, The Clarion with Mike Andersons Restaurant. We're located about half way between Baton Rouge and New Orleans about 5 miles off of I-10 Exit 182. Details are posted on our web page: http://www.deadwoodmarshals.com/wild-bunch-match.html where you'll find: registrations, schedules, maps, shooter's books and histories. The site will be updated as more information
  6. Great News. We just received confirmation for hosting the State match again. Applications are on our website noted above. Also note that there's a discount for early registration. Hope to see you all there again for some fun shooting, great food and great friends.
  7. Bushwhack at Gator Pond 2020 is scheduled for 24-26 April. Although we don't have SASS approval for the State Championship status, we expect it. If we don't get it, we'll still have the match which has the best food around, fun stages, and great people. Come see us, located about half way between Baton Rouge and New Orleans off I-10. Details are on our web page http://www.deadwoodmarshals.com/wild-bunch-match.html.
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