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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum


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About WildOkDee

  • Birthday 02/27/1957

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. 8:30-9am checkin time. Certain guidelines with be in place to maintain social distances and to work within the State of Texas COVID-19 guidelines. Any questions contact Oakwood Outlaws. http://www.oakwoodoutlaws.org/ OkD
  2. Many thanks Elwood James!
  3. I can understand that, but who can see/hear hits or misses at farther than twenty five yards consistently?
  4. Any change heard as of yet? Look
  5. Well.....Sure are a lot of options. Damn, sure does put a dent in the CC, gotta be careful. LOL .
  6. What is your favored grips? Slim, thick, smooth, checkered, name brand? Mine are slim, inexpensive, but just received some Alumagrips - standard checkered - to be installed and tested soon as I find a range open to use them. OkD
  7. If that is the object of moving to total time, to increase attendance. I think not. I see it, as the way Wild Bunch is billed, as a side match at most annuals, most state matches, and Regional s. Only the Nationals (10 stages) and World match's (12 stages) does one see worth in going. Even then it is a physical and mental drain if one is entered in to both events. Due to the back to back shooting, maybe one day's rest to prepare. Another drawback to shooting the Nationals and World is that the Wild Bunch is shot right before the Cowboy match. How many folks really have 10 days to 2 weeks to spend on food, motels, traveling expenses to do that? Not many. Only the retired RV sector and those few that have the desire to do so. Which may be dwindling. Separate out the scheduling of Wild Bunch and Cowboy Action Shooting, put distance between matches and that may help attendance. Then again, maybe not. I had always heard, change a loosing game. If it is perceived that Wild Bunch is in a slow death spiral....Make it worth it to a new shooter to investigate and try it.
  8. This was my first Wild Bunch match at Winter Range. I shall return! ;) Many thanks to Marshal Stone, Union Jack and many other Wild Bunch shooters for their free and excellent insight to some of the finer details of this game. I thought the stages were good to great. Most of the great ones, I shot clean! :D
  9. Just a side note, I saw Elwood James at Winter Range Wild Bunch SASS National Championships. He said he is working with Reckon about having an RO course on Friday, before the match on Saturday. Hopefully there will be more information forecoming...soon.
  10. Excellent match conditions. Thanks to those that braved the forecasters. Great practice for Winter Range and beyond. See you all next month?
  11. Hey Dusty, I ordered a Limbsaver slip-on. I will get with Briley's later sometime and ask about the Limb-saver versus the Kick-Eez permanent recoil pad that they will install.
  12. It will just be temporary......I hope. LOP will be better for me, for sure.
  13. Hah, decided to purchase a slip on recoil pad... Will see if it works.
  14. I would like some options, I have an uncut Model 12cbuttstock and appears that I do need some type of recoil pad. In the Wild Bunch matches, what kind can I have put on? Even if it is temporary? I will probably go to Brileys Gunsmithing here in Houston, after Winter Range, to get them to install recoil pad for me. Is there any options that could get me by til then? Thanks for any sage advice. OkD
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