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  • Birthday 04/23/1953

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  1. Just put black finger nail polish over the white dots and you are good to go.
  2. It is now OK to do a tactical reload.
  3. It goes away after a few posts. I don't remember how many, sorry.
  4. Most WB shooters are looking to reduce recoil so that is probably the reason.
  5. Link to video:
  6. That is a good start but not enough to get me back. We do our own thing now, done with trying to fix things where people aren't wanting to fix. Maybe one day when you look at the scores you will be able to tell if your score was entered correctly. Would be real easy just have time, misses, Ps, and safety violations on the final score sheet. We do it here locally (don't care what SASS does) should be done at all shoots. Just an opinion that now one will care about. Carry on!
  7. STAGE CONVENTIONS Stage Conventions, or standard range behaviors, are a list of practices every shooter is expected to know and follow on every stage. These stage conventions should be followed in all Wild BunchTM Action Shooting matches unless otherwise directed in stage descriptions. 1. Knockdown targets that do not fall may not be re-engaged. No missed target may be re-engaged. 2. All knockdown targets (shotgun, rifle, or pistol) must go down to count. Any knockdown target still standing once the shooter has engaged the next sequence of the stage will be counted as a miss.
  8. I think the only thing you have to do is black out the white dots on the sights and you will be good.
  9. Let me also say that I get maybe 2-4 out of 1000 that don't drop in the case gauge. I am thinking they may have been shot in a Glock or something. But if they go in my case gauge they work in my Springfields.
  10. The current set up with the Lee die is giving more crimp, it's also resizing the top 1/4" of the case. I had some ammo not going in all the way and thought it was not sizing the bottom of the case and come to find out I was not crimping enough. Once I crimped the right amount the ammo just dropped right in. Not saying that this is absolutely your problem just suggesting something real simple to try. It may be that simple, it was for me.
  11. I would try crimping just a wee tiny bit more.
  12. That was my understanding but where in the SHB does it state that? I searched the document and found nothing. It is in the pistol requirements starting on page 4.
  13. That is the way I did it also. I have cut one follower for a little extra. Found instructions on the internet somewhere, don't remember where sorry.
  14. You should read my first post where I said I don't have a problem with the "Method" I have a problem with the info the final report gives. But really I can give my shooters a real score sheet until I don't have a device ACES runs on anymore. And I am really done. Really. Here is an example of what I was hoping we could have in the future. I can see now that won't happen.
  15. And here we see one reason that this sport isn't growing. A simple thing that would let shooters see more about how the shooters perform in a match and are unwilling to do it. We had some new shooters at out last WB match. They don't see how what they did reflected on the score sheet. But again this is just my opinion. Why did you hide the scores from them? If they want to see how they did, show them! What exactly are you trying to get to here? One post, you’re complaining about the scoring system. In another, it’s match directors not show the minutiae of shooter’s performance. Then, you say your the match director not showing shoote’s scores. And for most of us, it’s not all about winning or who won but the is a competition. Someone is going to be first and someone will be last. Of course, we could go like Cowboy is going. A category for everyone and a participation trophy for everyone who shows up. In that case, we may as well throw out the timer and the shooting and just give out the trophies at registration. I really think that at this point I would be wasting my time trying to get a point across that may help recruit new WB shooter so what I am getting here is the upcoming scoring systems (Practiscore) will just show numbers that mean nothing to the new shooters and that the powers that be are stuck in their way and will not change something that would be so simple to do. I am done Thank you!
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