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The SASS Wild Bunch Forum

Coyote Kincaid

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Everything posted by Coyote Kincaid

  1. So who won what?
  2. Just finished it up. Cutting a barrel just gives me so much joy! My next step will be to tear it all back down, clean it and inspect it. I'm going to try and get the wood to clean up some and address a small crack in the stock.
  3. Good to know! I'm cutting it this weekend. I ran some empties and it doesn't eject but about six inches so I will need to order some parts.
  4. The barrel is marked Full. I thought it was aftermarket myself but when I look down the barrel, it is a solid piece. No seam at all. Looks like the barrel was made this way. I wanted to make sure because my plan is to chop it off and throw on a heat shield and keep it as a backup for my two 97's.
  5. Stopped at a few pawn shops today and found a couple Model 12's. One had a vented rib on the barrel that was definitely done afterwards. Another had a vent type poly choke and measured right at 23 inches behind the poly choke. Well I bought it and this thing is full of surprises. I could only get two rounds in the mag tube. I tore it down and had to dig a dowel rod out of the tube. The mag spring is a bit twisted up. The lever that holds the shells in the tube is weak so that will need to be fixed. Decided to just pop off the poly choke and discovered that this thing looks like it was done at the factory. Did Winchester offer a poly choke from the factory? Does this have any value? Guess what I want to know is should I just chop it off like I already planned to do or buy another barrel and keep this one?
  6. I ordered the Dillon case gauge today. I've got a buddy of mine that uses one of those guide rods and swears by it. The CMP match is 20 rounds a month so it's not like it will be in the gun for other shooting purposes.
  7. If I ever have a round that jams the action, I can put the front of the slide on a shelf and push the frame forward to eject it. With a full length guide rod it prevents this action and I would have to take the misses. I have had to do this a couple times during a match. I could prevent this probably by buying a Lyman ammo checker but I've never gotten around to it.
  8. I haven't made up my mind on if I want checkering, chain links or snake skin done to my front strap and I figured that would give me a chance to make up my mind. My gun is pretty accurate for WB but I shoot CMP side matches with it as well, where accuracy is big. I just wanted to make sure if I forgot to take it out then I wouldn't catch a SDQ or MDQ. I would rather not have a full length guide during a WB match for obvious reasons.
  9. Looking at a couple things for Modern category. First is nothing covering the front strap. Now I know this was meant for the wrap around grips but what about the checkering that Wilson makes? http://www.brownells.com/handgun-parts/frame-parts/frame-hardware/front-straps/1911-auto-checkered-front-strap-prod16409.aspx Next is concerning the guide for. Is the Wilson group gripper in anyway considered a recoil reduction device? http://www.brownells.com/handgun-parts/recoil-parts/recoil-hardware/1911-auto-group-gripper-guide-rod-plug-prod16415.aspx
  10. It started acting up again this weekend but this time it wasn't ejecting empties. I thought it was slipping off the extractor but the TO said that he thought they were flipping back in. It did it four times in a row before I put it away. I was using it in a CAS match and not a WB match. I did get a hold of Cap and he told me to send it to him and he would get it fixed. That's a man that stands behind his product right there! It shipped out today. It might be ammo, it might be something done at the factory or it could just be my bad luck. When it comes to guns, I've had some very bad luck. I told him I didn't care what it took but I want this to be my main gun. If he thinks it needs something then I will pay for it. On a side note WBT, I saw something this past weekend and I would like to ask you about. I will send you a message here in just a little bit.
  11. Dang! I'm off getting ready for state and this thread becomes hot, hot, hot!!! I push my 38-55 out to 200 and 300 yards with Unique and a GC bullet from a supplier in Vermont and hit an 18" gong all day. Now with my 6.5x55, every match I have been to with it allows jacketed as long as it's not surplus with a steel core. It drills the gongs at 100, 200 and 300 with RL-22. I am looking at some GC bullets from the same supplier for when I do hit that match that is lead only.
  12. I'm running Winchester AA's. I made sure I brought it all the way back when it didn't chamber one and again it did not rrlease the shell. I'm going to load some dummies this morning and see if I can replicate the problem. I will also be contacting Cap to see where we go from here.
  13. I can't even begin to express my frustration with this gun. I bought one of the new 97's that Coyote Cap is offering. This gun is brand new and I ran a box of shells last weekend to get the feel of it and I loved it. Showed up to a match this morning and the problems began. First stage, the third shell would not feed from the mag tube. It took a couple pumps to get it to go. Second stage, it did it on the second and the fourth shell. It took several attempts to get them to feed. I remember trying four times on one round with no results. Third stage, the mag tube let two go and jammed on the third round. Now by no means do I run my 97's light. I slam fire the targets as fast as I can with authority. Now the stages today all called for 4 shotgun targets and the mag spring is stock. I could understand if this thing was one of my older guns but this thing is new. Anybody else having problems?
  14. I ended up ordering a thread protector for it. As far as slings go, the Turner Saddlery is catching my eye but it is pricey.
  15. I have two questions. First, I have a Swedish Mauser and the end of the barrel is threaded. To protect the threads I purchased a flash hider. https://www.libertytreecollectors.com/productcart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=1648 Is this legal? It's not a brake and is more of a cosmetic thing to me. I just need some clarification on this for future reference. Second question, is there a better sling out there for these guns?
  16. No, not everyone over there said to do that! I DID NOT recommend doing that! I recommended cutting the dimple deeper or even putting a stronger spring in the tube. give-me-a-break! ;D Sorry, you are correct but a majority did. I went to the range and tried shooting with my thumb on the safety and I didn't notice any more control than my regular grip. I did take your advice into consideration and that will be the route that I am going to go. I did notice that when I shot with my thumb on the safety, 3 of the 5 empties went straight behind me. Not sure why that happened but it aggravated me trying to locate them.
  17. Yeah I posted this question on the SASS Wire and everybody says to put my thumb over the safety because that's how the IDPA guys do it. That is not comfortable to me at all. Some say it is a bad grip but if it was then why is my safety all of a sudden doing it now? I've shot 1911 matches before this and never had this happen. Not once did my Rock Island do this. Having a serrated safety hurts the ole thumb and affects performance. I've even thought about a smaller safety that would be hard to flip by accident.
  18. Shot my first match this past weekend and the thumb safety started flipping up. I run a Ruger SR1911 that is only a year old and the safety has always been firm up to the seventh stage. I'm thinking a new plunger spring from Wolff would do the trick. Thought I would check here before I order parts.
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